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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 46
A large number of visitors for the exhibition on Sabastiya in Crespellano, which continues until 30 September
26 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
A large number of visitors for the exhibition on Sabastiya in Crespellano, which continues until 30 September
A marked success for the small town of Crespellano (Italy), where this past Saturday the exhibition “Sabastiya, the Fruits of History and the Memory of John the Baptist” was inaugurated in the fifteenth century Church of San Rocco (on Via Marconi), with the church initially being illuminated entirely by candlelight. Officiating at the inauguration and […]
Two stories from volunteers who spent the summer in Jerusalem working for ATS pro Terra Sancta projects
26 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Two stories from volunteers who spent the summer in Jerusalem working for ATS pro Terra Sancta projects
Federica worked for the project “Telling the Story of the Holy Land” while Claudio worked as part of “Books, Bridges of Peace“: here are the experiences of two young volunteers who came to Jerusalem over the summer to work in support of ATS pro Terra Sancta. “I have a degree in archaeology and I’m in […]
A month in Bethlehem living with the children of the Holy Land
25 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
A month in Bethlehem living with the children of the Holy Land
Cristina, who is just over twenty years old, spent a month with small children in Bethlehem, helping the sisters at the Antonian Charitable Society crèche and the Hogar Niño Dios, who run a home for disabled children. These are the same kids that ATS pro Terra Sancta helps as part of the project “Bethlehem and […]
Rome: a piano concert in support of Christians in Jerusalem
24 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Rome: a piano concert in support of Christians in Jerusalem
On Thursday 4th October 2012 a duet piano concert organised by Don Massimiliano, a dear friend of pro Terra Sancta, will take place inside his parish church of Saint Giovanna Antida in Rome. The proceeds will go towards the ATS pro Terra Sancta project called “Jerusalem, Stones of Memory“, a project which aims to safeguard […]
From Lebanon, the Pope’s appeal for peace in Syria and in the Middle East
17 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
From Lebanon, the Pope’s appeal for peace in Syria and in the Middle East
These are the words that Pope Benedict XVI pronounced yesterday, 16th October, during the homily of the Holy Mass, in front of the main square crowded with people in the Lebanese capital. “It is an imperative task of the Church to serve and of Christians to be true servants in the image of Jesus. Service […]
The Pope in Lebanon: a visit dedicated to the encouragement and invitation to the cohesion
17 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Pope in Lebanon: a visit dedicated to the encouragement and invitation to the cohesion
Benedict XVI arrived 14 September in the country of the Cedars ( The purpose of the visit, in addition to the strengthen of the relations between Holy See and Lebanon, is the the post-synodal apostolic exhortation delivery, particularly addressed to the Christians in the Middle East where for the ‘’Exhortation is intended as a roadmap […]
Jerusalem meets Rovigo: an appointment to meet and support the Christians of the Holy Land
17 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Jerusalem meets Rovigo: an appointment to meet and support the Christians of the Holy Land
“Jerusalem, Holy City. So much Beloved by God as divided by men”: this is the title of the meeting held in Rovigo on September 22nd, at 4:30 pm, in the Gran Guardia room (Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II). The meeting was strongly desired by both the dioceses of Rovigo’s municipality. ‘’It will be an account meeting’’ […]
Magnificat: the opening of the Jerusalem music school’s new premises
17 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Magnificat: the opening of the Jerusalem music school’s new premises
For the music school in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem, which ATS continues to support with the project “Magnificat – Music in the Holy City“, Tuesday 4th September was an important day. The Custodian of the Holy Land Fr Pierbattista Pizzaballa officially opened the institute’s new premises in the convent of San […]
Bethlehem: back to the classroom
15 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem: back to the classroom
Even in the Holy Land the first day of school is finally arrived like every year.  In fact, the lessons are started again for the 1020 students of the institute “Terra Sancta College” of Bethlehem, school run by the Franciscan friars of the custody of the holy land. The return to the school activities is […]
A prayer for Christians in the Middle East: The Pope leaves for Lebanon
14 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
A prayer for Christians in the Middle East: The Pope leaves for Lebanon
Pope Benedict XVI, after having asked the faithful to pray for his forthcoming journey to Lebanon, closed Wednesday’s General Audience with these words: “I urge all Christians in the Middle East, whether they are recent arrivals or belong to the region´s ancient communities, to help to build peace and reconciliation. I ask God to strengthen […]
Pope Benedict XVI today in Lebanon
14 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Pope Benedict XVI today in Lebanon
Today, Friday 14 September the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Lebanon will begin. These are the words spoken by the Holy Father on Sunday at the conclusion of the traditional recitation of the Angelus: “I will have the happy opportunity to meet the Lebanese people and their authorities, in addition to the Christians in […]
Sabastiya awaits you… in Crespellano!
12 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Sabastiya awaits you… in Crespellano!
After have been presented at the Catholic University of Milan, the Palazzo Medici Riccardi in Florence and the Loggia del Capitaniato in Vicenza, the exhibition “Sabastiya, the fruits of history and the memory of John the Baptist” is coming to “tiny” Crespellano, organized by the Parish of San Savino and hosted, from the 15th to […]
Documenting, archiving, and cataloguing the assets of the Custody of the Holy Land: the story of Nando, volunteer in Jerusalem
07 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Documenting, archiving, and cataloguing the assets of the Custody of the Holy Land: the story of Nando, volunteer in Jerusalem
The young Italians, who have committed to a year of Civil Service in the Holy Land thanks to an agreement between ATS Pro Terra Sancta and the Università di Bari, relate their experience, the activities that they have completed and their impressions of life in Jerusalem. This is the story of Nando, aged 26, an […]
The new version of iBreviary pro Terra Sancta is now available
05 September 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
The new version of iBreviary pro Terra Sancta is now available
iBreviary Pro Terra Santa is now available in the new version for Android phones and tablets. After a long period of study and work, the new version is ready to offer something both timely and useful to those who wish to pray on the move, and especially for those who wish to remain spiritually linked […]
The fifth Day of Volunteers for the Holy Land to be held in Rome
31 August 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
The fifth Day of Volunteers for the Holy Land to be held in Rome
The by-now customary encounter between the Father Custos and the volunteers working in support of projects in the Holy Land, now in its fifth edition, will focus on current events and the prospects for the Christian communities as a result of the Arab Spring. The Day for associations and volunteers of the Holy Land, organized […]
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