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Donation in Memory

Donation in Memory

Pro Terra Sancta
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Donation in Memory

The eternal memory of a loved one in the Holy Land.

A memorial donation is a gesture to celebrate the earthly life of your loved one, keeping their memory alive always.

How to donate in memory of a loved one

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A bridge between heaven and earth

A memorial donation is a lasting tribute, forever engraved in the Holy City, a place that bridges Earth and Heaven. The name of your loved one will be commemorated in a special section of the Book of Benefactors, kept within the Convent of San Salvatore in the heart of Jerusalem. Additionally, it is possible to dedicate the memorial donation to the preservation of your preferred Holy Site, thereby linking the memory of your loved one to the Land touched by the Lord.

donazioni in memoria

Contributing as a benefactor to the work of caring for and preserving the Holy Places with a memorial donation for a loved one allows for the safeguarding and enhancement of the places where Jesus lived. It is not only a gesture of great generosity but also supports the work of the Franciscan friars of the Custody of the Holy Land, contributing to the Kingdom of God and the preservation of earthly Jerusalem, a prelude to the heavenly one.

in memoria

Even today, many Christians, following an ancient tradition, choose to honor their loved ones with a memorial donation in support of the Holy Land. Remembering a dear person with a donation for the Holy Land means uniting one's name with the land of Jesus, leaving an indelible mark in earthly Jerusalem and preserving those stones once trodden by the Lord, now living stones in the Christian community. A memorial donation for a loved one is not just an act of solidarity that allows for the continuation of the Franciscan friars' Christian charity works in these places, but also signifies participating in Christian history with a gesture of love for the places where Jesus lived.
Your Name and That of Your Loved One Forever in the Book of Benefactors of the Holy Land
With any memorial donation, even the smallest one, you will receive a letter from the Holy Land, and your name and that of your loved one will be inscribed in the Book of Benefactors, kept in the Historical Archive in Jerusalem, which has preserved the documents of the Custody of the Holy Land for 800 years.
Your Loved One’s Name Engraved in the Golden Stone of Jerusalem, Forever in the Holy Land
With a memorial donation of 5,000 $, your loved one’s name will be engraved, as an everlasting tribute, in the golden stone of Jerusalem. You will receive a replica in an elegant case as a keepsake of your act of solidarity, and both your name and your loved one’s name will be recorded in the Book of Benefactors.
A Memorial Stone for Your Loved One, Dedicated to a Beloved Holy Place
With a memorial donation of over 10,000 $, your loved one’s name will be honored with a plaque placed within the area of the Convent of the Flagellation, where the Franciscan friars preserve the history of Christian presence in the Holy Land. Additionally, both your name and your loved one’s name will be recorded in the Book of Benefactors.
FAQ on Memorial Donations for a Deceased Loved One
You are part of a millennia-old history. From the earliest Christian communities to princes, dukes, and queens, many have contributed to the preservation of the holy sites and Christian communities in the Holy Land. Your name will stand alongside those of countless individuals, both great and small, who have, in some way, taken part in the mission of peace that we, as an Association, carry forward every day.
What is a donation in memory of a loved one?
A memorial donation is a special type of contribution made to honor and remember a loved one who has recently passed away or who departed in the past—usually a friend, family member, or colleague—through a tangible act of support for a cause, people, or places.
It is a completely voluntary donation and can be a one-time gift or a recurring contribution (monthly, quarterly, or annually). There is no specific amount required for a memorial donation, as its value depends on the financial means and personal wishes of the donor. Even small donations can make a difference and help fund significant charitable projects.

Those who choose to make a memorial donation often do so to remember someone who was important to them in life and to keep their memory alive through an act of solidarity. Many times, the chosen cause reflects the physical condition of the deceased. For example, if the person passed away due to a serious illness, it is common to support medical research in their memory.

Alternatively, the cause may be related to the deceased’s interests or personal commitments. If, for example, the loved one was particularly dedicated to youth education, a memorial donation may support educational initiatives. In this way, their memory becomes a lasting legacy of their mission in life.
It is common to accompany a memorial donation with a personal message in remembrance of the deceased. Often, this remembrance takes the form of a prayer intention, entrusting the loved one to God. This is particularly true for memorial donations with Pro Terra Sancta, where it is possible to send a prayer intention, which is then brought to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, the site of Christ’s Resurrection, and entrusted to the prayers of the Franciscan friars who safeguard the Holy Places.
It is important to note that a memorial donation and its associated prayer intention are distinct from offerings made for a Mass in remembrance of a deceased loved one.
How to Make a Memorial Donation for a Deceased Loved One?
Baruch 5:1
"O Jerusalem, lay aside the garment of mourning and affliction; clothe yourself with the splendor of glory that comes to you from God forever."
Baruch 5:5
"Rise up, O Jerusalem, stand upon the heights, and look toward the east; see your children gathered from west and east at the word of the Holy One, rejoicing in the remembrance of God."
Zachariah 7:8
"Behold, I save my people from east and west: I will bring them back to dwell in Jerusalem; they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in faithfulness and righteousness."
Isaiah 4:9
"The light has come for you, O Jerusalem; upon you the glory of the Lord has arisen: in your light nations will walk, alleluia."
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Link the name of your loved one to the places where Jesus lived.
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