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Archaeological Museum Bulletin: January’s news

31 January 2013
Pro Terra Sancta
Archaeological Museum Bulletin: January’s news
Archaeological Museum Bulletin: January’s news

In March 2012 we resumed work on studying and cataloguing the finds at the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Archaeological Museum. This sparked the idea of starting up a short news bulletin, edited by the volunteers working at the museum, in order to provide periodic updates on our progress and demonstrate the potential of the institution to those who are interested in finding out more. The various activities underway feed in to the intrinsic potential of the museum, demonstrating its value not simply as a place to store objects, but above all as a purpose-built research and information centre, helping the tourists and pilgrims who visit  it to understand the importance of these ‘stones’ and their connection with the story of Jesus.

Each month you will be able to keep up to date with news on our work, activities and visits at the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Archaeological Museum, Jerusalem.

January’s news:

-       News: Intercultural scholastic activity at the Museum of SBF. Statistics of the visits to the Museum for 2012.

-       Scientific Activities: Restoration of the mantle of Magdalene in the Papier-Màché artwork by  Sacquegna.


Read this month’s complete bulletin!

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