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News, events, projects from the Holy Land. Discover the latest news and stories from Pro Terra Sancta. Information is the basis for understanding the value of a land too often forgotten.

One year of Civil Service in the Holy Land: the stories of our volunteers
21 June 2024
by Lucia Borgato
One year of Civil Service in the Holy Land: the stories of our volunteers
The thirteen young people who spent a year in the Holy Land with the Civil Service are ready to return home: today they will tell us what they'll bring to Italy with them, and what they've learned in this year.
Lebanon and Israel: The Blue Border
14 June 2024
by Emma Garroni
Lebanon and Israel: The Blue Border
The arrival of June brought with it new fears about the expansion of the Gaza war: along with the summer came the declaration from Tel Aviv of a military attack ready to be launched against Lebanon, on Israel’s northern border, by mid-June. In recent days, several drones have flown over southern Lebanon, as well as […]
Far from Gaza
07 June 2024
by Emma Garroni
Far from Gaza
Three women from Gaza are stranded in Bethlehem with their seriously ill children, unable to return home to their families. We talked to them, to learn about their stories.
The soccer kids of Sebastia
31 May 2024
by Giacomo Pizzi
The soccer kids of Sebastia
“A few days ago, at a checkpoint, a soldier said to me, ‘Answer this question correctly and I’ll let you through.'” Iyad, the colleague who accompanies us to Sebastia, stops for a moment, and his proud Bedouin gaze is lost in the dunes of the Judah desert. His eyes watch as the dunes slowly turn […]
One Hundred Years of Light and Darkness
24 May 2024
by Lucia Borgato
One Hundred Years of Light and Darkness
“The architecture of a temple, especially of a sanctuary, can be said to be successful when it responds to the inspiration that arises from the particular feeling of the mystery that is to be commemorated, and which is suggested by the spirit” With these words, the Italian architect Antonio Barluzzi describes his work in the […]
The primacy of love
22 May 2024
by Emma Garroni
The primacy of love
The bright blue of Lake Tiberias lazily laps the rocks on which the church of the Primacy of St. Peter stands; All around are patches of dark green leaves, dotted with small pink flowers. The place is immersed in a quiet silence. Near the church stands a statue, dark against the wall of light in […]
There is hope in Syria
10 May 2024
by Emma Garroni
There is hope in Syria
“Hope and despair“: this is the dichotomy that encompasses all the sense of powerlessness that one feels in the face of a reality that shows itself as it is, without offering any support to the desire to find a simplifying synthesis of the disturbing elements. Those who return home feel both despair and hope, Syria […]
Can we travel to the Holy Land again?
03 May 2024
by Emma Garroni
Can we travel to the Holy Land again?
“I believe that it is also time to invite pilgrims to return to travel to the Holy Land. I understand very well that there is a lot of fear. I understand that the images that come from the media are frightening images, but I think it’s possible today.” “It is safe to make the pilgrimage […]
A story of commitment and solidarity: interview with Shahd Souri, director of the Spafford Children’s Center in Jerusalem
26 April 2024
by Lucia Borgato
A story of commitment and solidarity: interview with Shahd Souri, director of the Spafford Children’s Center in Jerusalem
“In this country, you can’t think of separating the child from political events, because they are constantly exposed to them, especially at home on TV. They need help and immediate help.” With these words, Shahd Souri, director of the Spafford Children’s Center in Jerusalem, recounts the consequences that the war, which began on October 7, […]
In Bethlehem we work for peace
19 April 2024
by Jacopo Battistini
In Bethlehem we work for peace
“Before the war , our parish offered help to about seventy people a week; Now the number of people who come to us for support has more than tripled, reaching almost two hundred and fifty people every week.” In Bethlehem since the beginning of October, there has been an air of uncertainty and tension. The […]
A resilient Lebanon: an interview with Guendalina Sassoli
12 April 2024
by Emma Garroni
A resilient Lebanon: an interview with Guendalina Sassoli
“I thought I would find an afraid country, disheartened by another difficulty looming on the horizon – the imminent war – but instead I found a resilient Lebanon. The city was chaotic, speaking with the youth of Beirut doesn’t leave the impression of facing people devoid of a future. There is optimism, despite the average […]
The hidden stories in the convent of Musky: interview with Martino Masolo
05 April 2024
by Emma Garroni
The hidden stories in the convent of Musky: interview with Martino Masolo
“Telling the story of Musky Convent is important to tell the story of Cairo, the changing landscape and its inhabitants. The Centre’s documents tell us about the city and the people who have passed through it, and it is essential to make the most of them: if we cannot read them, we are left with […]
In Gaza, an Easter of forgiveness and hope.
29 March 2024
by Andrea Avveduto
In Gaza, an Easter of forgiveness and hope.
Jerusalem is preparing for a different Easter than usual, full of the great pain that has struck the entire Holy Land this year. The situation caused by the clashes that began on 7 October last year has generated a gigantic humanitarian crisis in Gaza, due to the bombing and the blockade of aid imposed by […]
Idlib: Between War and Miracles in the Orontes Villages
22 March 2024
by Giacomo Pizzi
Idlib: Between War and Miracles in the Orontes Villages
What is life like in the Orontes Villages in Idlib province, after 13 years of war? What are the differences with the rest of Syria? We asked Father Louai and Father Khoukaz. According to a tradition handed down for centuries, two men between 40 and 50 years of age set out from Jerusalem to Antioch […]
Syria after October 7, a never-ending crisis
08 March 2024
by Lucia Borgato
Syria after October 7, a never-ending crisis
“In addition to hitting the airports in Damascus and Aleppo, many Civilians Die because of these attacks, which in the past were limited only to military areas.” With these words, Ayham from Damascus recounts the difficulties and fears of those in Syria today suffering the indirect consequences of the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Syria context […]
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