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Pro Terra Sancta UK

Pro Terra Sancta UK

Pro Terra Sancta
Pro Terra Sancta UK
pro terra sancta uk

Pro Terra Sancta UK

To foster bonds between the Holy Land and the World

The goal of Pro Terra Sancta UK is to bring together people from all backgrounds, cultures and religions who wish to support the social, educational and cultural projects throughout the Holy Land.
The projects we promote represent a great opportunity to share cultural heritage of inestimable value.

The Association is also committed to providing humanitarian aid to all those in need, operating with the desire to meet everyone regardless of all religious affiliation, social status and ethnic origin.

Registered Charity No. 1178965

Who We Are

The Network

Our mission is to promote and implement projects for the conservation and enhancement of the cultural and natural heritage, to support local communities and help in humanitarian emergencies in the Middle East.

Pro Terra Sancta Association is a non-profit organization registered in the appropriate list of the Italian agency for development cooperation and holder of a EuropeAid ID number of the European Commission. The Association specializes in the implementation of projects for the conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage that increase awareness of common roots in local communities and represent opportunities for sustainable development. The Association also promotes projects in the educational and social fields, and intervenes in support of humanitarian emergencies.

Pro Terra Sancta UK is a recognised charity in England and Wales that raises funds for educational projects and for the conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage in the Holy Land.

Registered Charity No. 1178965

About us

Board of Trustees

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Years Of Work

Our projects are carried out in collaboration with the associations, economic, cultural and social realities of local civil societies and offer training and growth opportunities to the most vulnerable groups.

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Our Numbers

Annual Reports

In this section we are publishing all statements prepared over the years, documenting our work, collections and resources used, in addition to beneficiaries reached.

Click on the link down below to take a look at our annual reports:

Our Campaign

Our Campaigns and Projects

Here you will find the latest campaign we are carrying out:

Humanitarian Emergencies

Israel - Palestine: support the neediest in war

The tragic attack perpetrated by Hamas on Saturday, October 7, is an unprecedented event that has shocked everyone.

We are very concerned by the spiral of violence and terror that this event has unleashed as it has caused and will cause more and more civilian casualties, especially in Gaza. In forcefully reaffirming our commitment to peace, we are preparing to offer all possible concrete help to the most fragile and needy victims of this situation.

Preservation and Development

Terra Sancta Museum

The Franciscans of the Holy Land Custody, in collaboration with the Association pro Terra Sancta and Studium Biblicum Franciscanum, have been working on the Terra Sancta Museum, the world's first museum dedicated to the origins of Christianity and the preservation of the Holy Places, for several years.

Donation in Memory of a loved one

Remember your loved ones in the Holy Land forever

donation in memory is an eternal memory, forever engraved in the Holy Land, a place that served as a bridge between Earth and Heaven. The name of your loved one will be carved in the golden stone of Jerusalem, placed inside the Convent of the Flagellation. Furthemore, it will be possible to allocate the donation in memory to the preservation of the Holy Places, linking the memory of the loved one to the Earth furrowed by the Lord.


Registered Charity No. 1178965

What they say about us

Latest News



Supporting the work of Pro Terra Sancta in the Holy Land: rebuilding with living stones

The conflict in Israel/Palestine has taken a terrible toll in human life, but also in human livelihoods. [...] It is a situation that Pro Terra Sancta (which simply means, For the Holy Land), a charity working in the region, is trying to remedy. 


A 2,000-year-old biblical treasure

Jerusalem’s Terra Sancta Museum, which displays ancient artefacts excavated by the Franciscan Order over the past 100 years, offers insight into life in the Holy Land.

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7 Bell Yard WC2A 2JR London,UK

20121 Piazza Sant’Angelo, 2

91001 St. Saviour Monastery POB 186

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