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Lebanon Crisis: Support Displaced People

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Pro Terra Sancta
Lebanon Crisis: Support Displaced People
Lebanon Crisis: Support Displaced People

"In Lebanon we need mattresses, blankets, drinking water, and even water to clean, because we only have public water for two hours every two days; There is a great lack of water, not only for drinking, but above all for cleaning, showering...".

LEBANON: They left everything, they lost everything, they left with nothing

It is war in Lebanon where bombings have intensified and caused hundreds of deaths and injuries and forced tens of thousands of people to leave the south, moving towards Beirut, Mount Lebanon or the north. They left everything, they lost everything, they left with nothing. The government has opened all schools throughout Lebanon to accommodate these displaced people, but obviously they are not prepared. No one expected something like this, there is no preparation to deal with this situation.

The convent in Tyre, supported in its projects by Pro Terra Sancta, has become a refuge for 35 displaced families. Support them too!

Voices from the Field
"We will do our best to help, especially by trying to provide water, milk, and diapers. I’m not sure if we will be able to bring blankets and mattresses as well. In the south, a convent has already welcomed more than 35 families who are sleeping on mattresses on the floor. I really hope this won’t last long, but from what I see today, the situation keeps getting worse, so I don’t know if it will stop soon."
Fadi, Project Manager Pro Terra Sancta
A country already crippled by economic crisis and food emergency
4 out of 5
can no longer meet even their basic needs.
44% of the population lives below the poverty line.
A recent World Bank report highlights that the portion of the population living below the poverty line has increased from 12% to 44% in 10 years.
We want to reach 4,000 families in need
The families (2,500 in Beirut and 1,500 in Tripoli) will receive food packages with essential items at our emergency centers in Tyre, Beirut, and Tripoli.
A life-saving package
Our Emergency Centers organize monthly distributions of food and hygiene products. Special attention is given to the elderly who are alone and without income. It may seem little, but a food package allows a family in need to have something to eat for an entire month.
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Lebanon Crisis: Support Displaced People
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For the purchase of blankets, mattresses, and other goods
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