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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 49
Italian ecology prize awarded to Carla Benelli, a member of the ATS pro Terra Sancta family
06 June 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Italian ecology prize awarded to Carla Benelli, a member of the ATS pro Terra Sancta family
On 3rd June the ‘Verde Ambiente’ ecology prize award ceremony took place at the council chambers in Sorrento, near Naples. Italian senator Guido Pollice, president of environmental charity VAS Onlus and founding president of the Italian Green Cross, was also present. Carla Benelli, a member of the ATS pro Terra Sancta family, received the prize […]
Education project in Jericho: the school year is coming to a close
04 June 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Education project in Jericho: the school year is coming to a close
The school year is drawing to a close in Palestine. This is the time in which to look back on work carried out and plan future activities. As is happening in schools in Jericho, as part of the three-year project “Supporting emergency education in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Jericho” ( MAE […]
Pro Terra Sancta recognised for their commitment in supporting families
01 June 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Pro Terra Sancta recognised for their commitment in supporting families
On the occasion of the 7th World Meeting of Families 2012, Pro Terra Sancta received a certificate the day before yesterday (30 of May) in Milan for its participation in the International WorkLife Balance Award, organised by the Region of Lombardy and the dall’ Alta Scuola Impresa e Società of Milan Catholic University.  This award aims […]
ATS is celebrating its tenth birthday! An exclusive interview recounting the story of its birth and growth
28 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
ATS is celebrating its tenth birthday! An exclusive interview recounting the story of its birth and growth
On 28 May 2002 the certificate of incorporation was signed for the newly created Associazione di Terra Santa (Association for the Holy Land). Ten years later, we present an exclusive interview with Carla Benelli – a collaborator with ATS pro Terra Sancta – who witnessed the birth of the Association and Tommaso Saltini – the […]
Romano Gelmini Association for the peoples of the Holy Land: the first mission of 2012
24 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Romano Gelmini Association for the peoples of the Holy Land: the first mission of 2012
There were eleven volunteers. They arrived between Thursday 26 and Friday 27 April, and they stayed in Jerusalem until 10 May. As soon as they landed they put themselves at the service of the Custodial Technical Office and, in the spirit of the association itself, wasted no time in dedicating themselves to the tasks at […]
Many visitors going to Vicenza, to the discovery of Sabastiya
23 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Many visitors going to Vicenza, to the discovery of Sabastiya
The exhibition  “Sabastiya, the fruits of history and the memory of John the Baptist”, hosted inside the Biblical Festival of Vicenza from the 18th to the 27th of May, is winning a lot of success. Many visitors stop to admire the pictures exposed in the wonderful location of the Loggia del Capitaniato of Vicenza, reading […]
Seventy years old and keen to return to the Holy Land- a pilgrim and volunteer’s story
22 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Seventy years old and keen to return to the Holy Land- a pilgrim and volunteer’s story
We asked to hear about the personal experiences of pilgrims who have visited the Holy Land. Below is one of the many messages that we have received in response. “A working holiday and pilgrimage in the Holy Land is an emotional experience for anyone, but as a seventy year old who has made more than […]
Gethsemane Basilica: the restoration works begin
18 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Gethsemane Basilica: the restoration works begin
Restoration works on the Gethsemane Basilica in Jerusalem have now begun. While the workers of the Custody’s Technical Office are putting up the scaffolding, wending their way through the tourists who since the early morning hours have been crowding into the church, Raed – one of the experts coordinating the restoration of the mosaics – […]
Accommodations for Bethlehem’s Christians: an aid to the Christian community of the city of Jesus
17 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Accommodations for Bethlehem’s Christians: an aid to the Christian community of the city of Jesus
“And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for o”ut of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.” (Mt. 2,6). If the place of Jesus birth was an essentially Christian city since 1948, beginning from today Bethlehem is undergoing a significant change […]
New stage for Sabastiya’s exhibition: the Biblical Festival of Vicenza
16 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
New stage for Sabastiya’s exhibition: the Biblical Festival of Vicenza
On the 19th of May, at the Loggia del Capitaniato of Vicenza, will open the exhibition “Sabastiya, the fruits of history and the memory of John the Baptist“, dedicated to the small Palestinian village of the ancient Samaria. The exhibition is introduced by Carla Benelli, assistant of ATS pro Terra Sancta and in charge of […]
Bethlehem: a course to aid mothers in their relationship with their teenage daughters
14 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem: a course to aid mothers in their relationship with their teenage daughters
On Tuesday 8 May ended the project “Developing Personal Leadership” dedicated to the mothers of the female students of the St. Joseph School, the school of the Custody of the Holy Land in Bethlehem. The training course involved 48 mothers and was guided with the collaboration of the Bethlehem University. Primary aim of the course […]
The Custos of the Holy Land at the European Parliament: the conference on Christians in the Middle East and the presentation of a project for a Christian Museum in Jerusalem
12 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Custos of the Holy Land at the European Parliament: the conference on Christians in the Middle East and the presentation of a project for a Christian Museum in Jerusalem
The Custos of the Holy Land, Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, is on a mission to Brussels (Belgium). Yesterday, 9 May, he participated at the Conference “Christians in the Arab World: One year after the Arab Spring” organized by the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community (COMECE). The Custos of the Holy Land, along […]
A pilgrimage to the Holy Land? Tell us about your experience!
08 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
A pilgrimage to the Holy Land? Tell us about your experience!
Many friends of ATS pro Terra Sancta have had the opportunity to learn about our activities from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land: before their departure, along the way, or when they returned home with a desire to know more about what is happening in the Holy Land. While we are waiting to open the […]
Capernaum: the new website dedicated to the “City of Jesus”
07 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Capernaum: the new website dedicated to the “City of Jesus”
Building upon the success of its website for the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Custody of the Holy Land is now offering to all pilgrims and devotees the possibility to learn more about the “City of Jesus” through a new website dedicated to the Sanctuary of Capernaum, with enhanced graphics and updated materials in four languages: Italian, English, […]
Jericho, the school and the city’s Christian community: News from the Church of the Good Shepherd
03 May 2012
by Giacomo Pizzi
Jericho, the school and the city’s Christian community: News from the Church of the Good Shepherd
Below is a transcript of our interview with Father Ibrahim, parish priest of the Church of the Good Shepherd and director of the Terra Santa School in Jericho, in which he talks about the situation in the small Palestinian town where he is working. – How long have you been in Jericho? And where were […]
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