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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 22
The women of the Holy Land and the treasures kept for generations
08 March 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
The women of the Holy Land and the treasures kept for generations
Knowledge, flavors and … soaps! with these three words we could symbolically summarize the many projects of ATS pro Terra Sancta that strictly involve the Palestinian women; know how all the actions of the association are developed starting from a deep research and attention of the Palestinian traditions: research and sharing of knowledge, to develop […]
Jerusalem: a cozy nursery for children in need
04 March 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Jerusalem: a cozy nursery for children in need
Along the famous shopping street of the Mamilla Mall, amid luxury shops and jewelers, stands the façade of an imposing neo-Romanesque church that is part of the hospice of the Daughters of Charity of the order of Saint Vincent de Paul built in 1885 to treat leprosy patients. Yet since its early years, the structure […]
Rhodes: bringing help to those “nobody wants to know”
26 February 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Rhodes: bringing help to those “nobody wants to know”
The sea that shapes the island of Rhodes, one of the most fascinating of the Dodecanese, knows it. It knows how many millions of men and women have landed on his coasts over the centuries, who to stop on the island, who for a short stop before leaving and those who drowned in search of […]
Bethany: “A culture of dialogue as the path to follow”
18 February 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethany: “A culture of dialogue as the path to follow”
“We declare the adoption of a culture of dialogue as the path; mutual cooperation as the code of conduct; reciprocal understanding as the method and standard”.In Bethany, the Pope‘s words in the document signed with the Grand Imam of Al Azhar in Abu Dhabi are reality. Here three different confessions (Catholic, Orthodox and Islamic communities) […]
Schools in the Holy Land: where the encounter between St. Francis and the Sultan continues everyday
12 February 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Schools in the Holy Land: where the encounter between St. Francis and the Sultan continues everyday
“The Sultan was one of the most powerful men of the time, a formidable military strategist, and a mind open to culture and arts. Francis was simply a man who felt called by God to follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, to live the Gospel, and to proclaim it peacefully to every creature. The two dialogue, […]
“We are lambs among wolves”: The witness of Fr. Hanna from the province of Idlib
04 February 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
“We are lambs among wolves”: The witness of Fr. Hanna from the province of Idlib
“We are lambs among wolves. Literally. Every evening we entrust our life to the Lord before sleeping, because we are very worried. Yet the next morning we wake up and see that our prayers have been fulfilled … In the same way we feel the power of your prayers for us. The Lord does not […]
Books bridges of peace in Jerusalem: meeting and sharing with the students of the Hebrew University
28 January 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Books bridges of peace in Jerusalem: meeting and sharing with the students of the Hebrew University
Culture and books as a meeting occasion. This was demonstrated by the study day of January 16th, organized by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at the Convent of San Salvatore. The Custody of the Holy Land hosted 30 boys, mostly Jews, from the Winter School of the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies who participated in […]
A mosaic of art and humanity: restorers from Trento in Bethany to form the young boys and girls of the Mosaic Center
21 January 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
A mosaic of art and humanity: restorers from Trento in Bethany to form the young boys and girls of the Mosaic Center
“From the observation of the mosaic we have deduced the best method to restore it. There is a solution to every problem: a lesson in work and life “. Paula tells us about her experience: together with other students from the Mosaic Center in Jericho and to the new students of the mosaic course in […]
Story of the JACC, the centre supporting African refugees in Jerusalem
14 January 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Story of the JACC, the centre supporting African refugees in Jerusalem
In Israel there is a refugee “emergency” as well. It’s different from the one Europe is facing, of course, but significant. The largest waves of migration began at the end of the nineties and early 2000 due to the Eritrean independence on one side and the start of the dictatorial and military regime of Isaias […]
We go back home with Bethlehem our hearts: speaking the young volunteers from Italy
07 January 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
We go back home with Bethlehem our hearts: speaking the young volunteers from Italy
For all Italian volunteersnand workers who live in Bethlehem, Christmas also means “tombolata”. As usual in the rooms of the Hotel Casanova, after the Mass and a moment of reflection, we find ourselves for a dinner, rigorously of Italian cuisine, and immediately after one of the most awaited moments for adults and children: the game […]
Bethlehem: after 2000 years, the beauty and simplicity of an event that changed humanity
24 December 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem: after 2000 years, the beauty and simplicity of an event that changed humanity
Once more it’s Christmas time in Bethlehem, the whole city lights up for a party and it’s general cleaning. What once was a small town on the back of a hill looking towards the desert of Judah today is a large city that in its overall area welcomes, in the daily bustle, almost 200,000 inhabitants. […]
Bethlehem, a new home for a Christmas of peace and sharing
17 December 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem, a new home for a Christmas of peace and sharing
Placing the little houses, the sheep and the shepherd’s statues in the Crib, our imagination flies towards distant exotic landscapes, towards that ancient and rural village in the desert that was to be Bethlehem at the time of Jesus. Today, that which in the Gospel text is described as the last of the main cities […]
With the beginning of the Advent Bethlehem lights up with peace and hope
10 December 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
With the beginning of the Advent Bethlehem lights up with peace and hope
Thalathe…’ithnin… wahad…(three, two, one …) and magically the big Christmas tree in Manger square, Bethlehem, lights up; fireworks light up the starry sky and for five minutes all the faces of the people are turned upwards: many children climb on their parents’ shoulders to be able to see better, boys and adults with smartphones in […]
“Desire for water” in Bethlehem: new water tanks as gifts to Rana and her family
03 December 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
“Desire for water” in Bethlehem: new water tanks as gifts to Rana and her family
Being able to take a hot shower, do laundry, cook and wash dishes are actions that very often we do automatically without thinking about the fact that in many parts of the world all these are privileges that only few can enjoy: Bethlehem is one of these less fortunate places. Observing the expanse of houses […]
Bethlehem back in time! The place where Jesus was born as you have never seen it before
26 November 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem back in time! The place where Jesus was born as you have never seen it before
This Christmas we bring you to Bethlehem. But not only: we will bring you to the Bethlehem of 2000 years ago. Don’t you believe it? We will amaze you. We have just finished preparing “Bethlehem back in time“, an extraordinary product, the result of meticulous work that lasted years of research. We have already talked […]
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