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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 21
Together to Ein Karem, the town of the Magnificat
31 May 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Together to Ein Karem, the town of the Magnificat
The village of Ein Karem is located a few kilometers from Jerusalem. In this wooded and quiet area according to Christian tradition the Virgin Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, and according to the story of the evangelist Luke “was kept hidden for five months” meditating on the miracle of late pregnancy granted by […]
The beautiful Iftar with the women of Bethany
28 May 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
The beautiful Iftar with the women of Bethany
The Arabic term Iftar indicates the moment in which the Muslim faithful start drinking and eating again after having spent the day in complete fast from dawn to sunset. Fasting is a religious practice of Islam that lasts the entire month of Ramadan, the month in which the revelation of the Qur’an to Muhammad is remembered. […]
Deepening the history of the dialogue between St. Francis and the Sultan, to rediscover it today
21 May 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Deepening the history of the dialogue between St. Francis and the Sultan, to rediscover it today
On the occasion of the eighth centenary of the meeting between St. Francis of Assisi and the Sultan of Egypt Al-Malik Al Kamil which took place in Damietta in 1219, the Custody of the Holy Land together with the Faculty of Biblical and Archaeological Sciences in collaboration with the Pontificals From March to November 2019, […]
A witness from Idlib, Syria: “bombs have been falling for days, but we shall not leave”
14 May 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
A witness from Idlib, Syria: “bombs have been falling for days, but we shall not leave”
“Bombs have been falling for days a few kilometers from here, we are fine, but the situation gets worse every day. The Valley of the Orontes river is almost deserted, thousands of people are fleeing from the bombing and many come every day to ask us for food and water, they sleep under olive trees […]
Annual Report 2018
03 May 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Annual Report 2018
The General Assembly of the Association pro Terra Sancta met in Jerusalem on May 1st to update the members on the strong development of the Association in the past year and to illustrate further proposals for the future. On the agenda: the approval of the Annual Report 2018 and the related presentation of the sources and […]
Bethlehem: little May recovers her sight
29 April 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem: little May recovers her sight
May is a smiling 15-year-old girl who lives with her family in Bethlehem. Since she was a child she has always suffered from a severe form of squint. “We noticed vision problems when she was just three years old,” her mother Nour tells us. “From that moment on, she always had to wear glasses. Then […]
The Easter of the ATS pro Terra Sancta volunteers, HERE in Jerusalem
23 April 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Easter of the ATS pro Terra Sancta volunteers, HERE in Jerusalem
HIC, Latin word for  “here“, is a recurring word in the Franciscan liturgies for Easter. The Latin adverb is strongly connected to the places that mark the moments of the Passion of Christ: here at Mount Zion Jesus celebrated the Easter dinner with his disciples , here in Gethsemane Jesus prayed to the Father before he […]
«Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me so I am sending you» Happy Easter!
21 April 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
«Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me so I am sending you» Happy Easter!
In occasion of this Holy Easter we want to share with you the Easter message of Fr. Francesco Patton, Custos of the Holy Land and President of the Association pro Terra Sancta. We are in the Cenacle, on Mount Zion, in the place where Jesus ate the Last Supper with His disciples, and there gave […]
Jerusalem comes to London for a new Museum to celebrate the launch of a new UK Charity.
18 April 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Jerusalem comes to London for a new Museum to celebrate the launch of a new UK Charity.
Pro Terra Sancta UK hosted its launch event yesterday to raise funds to complete the new Terra Sancta museum in the old city of Jerusalem. The museum aims to “Build a bridge of peace” . London, United Kingdom – 5th April 2019 – Pro Terra Sancta UK, a new UK charity set up to support […]
Aleppo: forgiveness and charity to rebuild peace
15 April 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Aleppo: forgiveness and charity to rebuild peace
Aleppo. The general winter delivers the last blows to a city that desperately needs spring. This year too many died from the cold. The queues at the petrol stations promise nothing good, and confirm the sad intuition with which we arrived from Damascus. Another city on its knees, without fuel, without electricity. At night the […]
Damascus. The long way towards recovery and the new enemies of Syria
08 April 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Damascus. The long way towards recovery and the new enemies of Syria
“Absolutely no! War has not come to an end yet, it has just begun. ” Perhaps the enemies are no longer called Daesh or Al Qaeda, but hunger and poverty, tand these are enemies that are equally scary. They are the enemies that international politics can arm in a more silent and sneaky way, without […]
A lovely place to stay: the great experience of the Dar Al Majus Guesthouse in Bethlehem
01 April 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
A lovely place to stay: the great experience of the Dar Al Majus Guesthouse in Bethlehem
“The place is magnificent: the rooms are beautiful and the service is excellent!” It is just one of the many reviews on the guesthouse “Dar al Majus” (in Arabic House of the three Kings), the structure run by th Association pro Terra Sancta in partnership with the Mosaic Centre in Bethlehem. Located around ten meters […]
Sebastia: new spaces for sustainable and responsible tourism
25 March 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Sebastia: new spaces for sustainable and responsible tourism
The Guesthouse in the city center returns under the management of the Mosaic Center and ATS pro Terra Sancta Looking at an old photograph of Sebastia from the beginning of the 20th century it is hard to believe that, among the houses of this small village, an archaeological heritage of inestimable value is hidden. In […]
Christian celebrations in the Holy Land
19 March 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Christian celebrations in the Holy Land
If you ever had the opportunity to spend some time in the Holy Land, you were probably a little disappointed when you found practically all the shops and restaurants run by Jews, closed on Saturday. Or you might have wanted to sleep an extra hour on Sunday, but you probably had to give up on […]
Syria, nine years later: the crisis has just begun
18 March 2019
by Giacomo Pizzi
Syria, nine years later: the crisis has just begun
“The crisis in Syria is not over yet; let’s say that it has just begun ”. Father Ibrahim Alsabagh, pastor of the church of St. Francis in Aleppo, said this a few days ago and we, while the country is entering its ninth year of war, we can only repeat it with force: the crisis […]
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