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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 24
The Association Romano Gelmini: a service to the people in the Holy Land
04 July 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Association Romano Gelmini: a service to the people in the Holy Land
“We do not do substantial work on infrastructures, but only simple and humble jobs. With some people we have also become friends and we are appreciated because – as they told us – we do not go to the Holy Land to tell the people what to do, but we support them in small needs […]
Ahmed and his family-an account of a Journey from Babylonia to Rhodes
26 June 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
Ahmed and his family-an account of a Journey from Babylonia to Rhodes
Ahmed was born in Babylonia Iraq, in 1984. In 2006 he went to university to study mathematics, it was there he met his future wife Amenah Neamah born 10th July 1986; they married in a civil wedding on the 25th October, 2007.  Thereafter three children were born: tow in Iraq, Fatimah, Hasan and Asenat in Rhodes […]
The Mosaic Centre: a new great opportunity for Bethlehem
13 June 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Mosaic Centre: a new great opportunity for Bethlehem
A new center of mosaics was inaugurated in Bethlehem to preserve the beauty of the Old City and to promote new job opportunities for local youth. The center is born within the project “New Mosaicists for Bethlehem” and is promoted by ATS pro Terra Sancta thanks to the support of the Friends Association P. Kaswalder, […]
The terrible stories at the JACC in Jerusalem and the support of ATS pro Terra Sancta
05 June 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
The terrible stories at the JACC in Jerusalem and the support of ATS pro Terra Sancta
“During their journey from Africa, many people suffered severe violence, sometimes they saw their loved ones dye in front of their eyes. Therefore they live with traumas that prevent them from living and working peacefully, even after several years”. Speaking is Rachel Gerber, coordinator of the Jerusalem African Community Center, which welcomes African refugees that […]
Education in Bethlehem: story of Jameela and Reem
15 May 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
Education in Bethlehem: story of Jameela and Reem
Jameela and Reem are two 15-year-old cousins ​​who have been attending the Saint Joseph School for Girls, not far from the historic center of Bethlehem. Jameela and Reem are just two of the 238 girls in this institution who are helped with the fee, thanks to the support of ATS pro Terra Sancta through the sponsorship funds. […]
The SBF Archeological collections for the Terra Sancta Museum: new findings and works for the archeological section
03 May 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
The SBF Archeological collections for the Terra Sancta Museum: new findings and works for the archeological section
Whoever enters the Convent of the Flagellation today will notice a new name on some doors: SBF Archaelogical Collections. This will be the name of the new section of the Terra Sancta Museum which, with its name, is linked to the long tradition of the Franciscan archaeologists of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum which preserve the […]
Accesible Palestine: a virtual visit to the tomb of Lazarus in Bethany
23 April 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
Accesible Palestine: a virtual visit to the tomb of Lazarus in Bethany
The presentation of Virtual Reality glasses to Lazarus’ tomb is the first step of the “Accesible Palestine” initiative, an innovative form of social tourism promoted by ATS pro Terra Sancta and Mosaic Center, together with the Municipality of Betania. The 3D glasses guarantee the virtual visit of sites for pilgrims and tourists with physical disabilities to […]
Dialogue and sharing: language courses in Jerusalem, Bethany and Sabastiya
12 April 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
Dialogue and sharing: language courses in Jerusalem, Bethany and Sabastiya
“Ciao, come stai?” – “Hello, how are you?” In Bethany, the city of Lazarus, as well as in Sabastiya and Jerusalem, ATS pro Terra Sancta held free language copurses as support to the Christians of the Holy Land or to those who work in the projects of the NGO at the service of the Custody […]
08 April 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
A project to support the forgotten children of Aleppo With the project “a name and a future” we would like to introduce you to is aimed at taking care of the abandoned children and those born to women who were raped and abused in the last eight years. These children are part of a society […]
Easter in Jerusalem: the ATS pro Terra Sancta in the Old City tell us about it
03 April 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
Easter in Jerusalem: the ATS pro Terra Sancta in the Old City tell us about it
On the occasion of Easter, we asked some of the collaborators and volunteers of ATS pro Terra Sancta that live and work in the Holy City to tell us something about it. From Jerusalem, the testimony of those who spend every day to support the hope of the Holy Land. Thas same hope we are […]
The hands and heart of Mattia, a volunteering physiotherapist in Bethlehem
22 March 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
The hands and heart of Mattia, a volunteering physiotherapist in Bethlehem
Mattia is a thirty years physiotherapist. After studying in Milan and in Germany, a Franciscan friend of his urged him to come to the Holy Land in Bethlehem. “After three months at the La Chreche orphanage – Mattia explains – I was struck by the stories and the faces of those children, so I wanted […]
15 March 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
We all gave a sigh of relief, a year and a half ago, when televisions around the world were broadcasting images of the people of Aleppo celebrating the freedom reached after months of fighting in the martyr city. We had hoped, perhaps for a moment, that it would all be over soon. That we could  […]
A new technological course of studies at the Terra Sancta School in Bethlehem
13 March 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
A new technological course of studies at the Terra Sancta School in Bethlehem
Daniel, an 18-year-old boy from Bethlehem, has had problems with school in the past: he did not want to study anymore. But when he was told about the new technological course that was about to open in his school, he immediately registered. Daniel is one of the twelve boys attending the new technological course at […]
The women of Samaria
08 March 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
The women of Samaria
For years now, ATS pro Terra Sancta has been working with the Mosaic Center in Samaria to support the local population through restoration, enhancement, reception and development projects. Projects and activities that would not find support if there were not the strength of women who contribute their lives to make their communities live. Maha Hawari […]
“At least 40 shells in Damascus today. Hundreds wounded”: updates from Ayham, ATS pro Terra Sancta, on the ongoing tragedy
22 February 2018
by Giacomo Pizzi
“At least 40 shells in Damascus today. Hundreds wounded”: updates from Ayham, ATS pro Terra Sancta, on the ongoing tragedy
“The situation is really extremely critical. Only today at least 40 shells rained down on Damascus… Starting from tomorrow we will be forced to stay in our homes, it is really too risky to move around Bab Touma these days”. The message form Ayham, of the Association pro Terra Sancta in Syria to his colleague […]
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