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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 64
Young people make music for Magnificat
26 January 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Young people make music for Magnificat
‘Jugend musiziert’ (young people make music) – a benefit concert for the Magnificat Institute, the school of music of the Custody of the Holy Land, took place on Sunday, 23 January at 6 p.m. in the August Everding Saal of the Musikschule Grünwald. A brief report on the evening by organiser Markus Lentz: “Dear Friends, I […]
Old Jerusalem: one more house inaugurated
24 January 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Old Jerusalem: one more house inaugurated
Celebrations in the Christian district of old Jerusalem for the inauguration of a house entirely renovated and restored by the Technical Office of the Custody of the Holy Land. Before being renovated in the framework of the project “Jerusalem, Stones of memory” promoted by ATS Pro Terra Sancta, the house was in extreme hygienic and […]
Emergency education: presentation of the ATS and AVSI project
21 January 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Emergency education: presentation of the ATS and AVSI project
Not only modernization of infrastructure, but above all an improvement and updating in teaching methods in order to keep pace with the times: these are the objectives, highlighted by the Custos of the Holy Land and President of ATS pro Terra Sancta, Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, of the three-year project that will focus on Terra Sancta […]
Pro Magnificat Concert in Germany
21 January 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Pro Magnificat Concert in Germany
“Jugend musiziert” – a benefit concert for the Magnificat Institute, the school of music of the Custody of the Holy Land, will take place on Sunday, 23 January at 6 p.m. in the August Everding Saal of the Musikschule Grünwald . “As last year, we want to extend our focus beyond the competition with a […]
A Musical Christmas: Huge success for the Magnificat’s Christmas concert
14 January 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
A Musical Christmas: Huge success for the Magnificat’s Christmas concert
Few could forget Bethlehem’s Christmas mass of 2010.  We began preparations for this night back in September of 2009, working in collaboration with the Academy of the Arts’ Orchestra for Sacred music.  The Orchestra had already performed a concert of holy music at the steeple of Milan’s Cathedral and was planning another at Moscow’s ‘Golden […]
The works at Sebastia are continuing- the experience of an archaeologist who is working there
14 January 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
The works at Sebastia are continuing- the experience of an archaeologist who is working there
An almost chance occurrence, resulting from an Internet search: that is how Morena Tramonti, a young Italian archaeologist, discovered the existence of the “Sebastia” project, supported by ATS pro Terra Sancta, and left for the Holy Land to dedicate several months to the activities that have been developed in recent years in the Palestinian village […]
The message of Benedict XVI during the Angelus first year.
11 January 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
The message of Benedict XVI during the Angelus first year.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, In this first Angelus of 2011, I offer everyone my good wishes for peace and well-being as I entrust them to Mary Most Holy, whom we celebrate today as Mother of God. At the beginning of a new year the Christian people gathers in spirit at the Grotto in Bethlehem, where […]
The Breviary pro Terra Sancta right on your BlackBerry
11 January 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Breviary pro Terra Sancta right on your BlackBerry
Thanks to the collaboration between ATS pro Terra Sancta and Father Paolo Padrini, inventor of the Ibreviary – the convenient application for praying on mobile devices that has become all the rage in Italy and the world among both laypeople and priests – it’s becoming easier all the time to stay close to the Holy […]
Christmas 2010: the message of the Custos of the Holy Land Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa
20 December 2010
by Giacomo Pizzi
Christmas 2010: the message of the Custos of the Holy Land Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa
Peace and Good: St. Francis’s greeting helps us to enjoy the eternal novelty of Christmas, accompanying us towards the truth and keeping us away from everything that depreciates and make the meaning of this celebration ambiguous. Let’s not make vain this Christmas which comes for the umpteenth time  but which is always new. Because Christmas […]
“A board for Capernaum”- fundraising campaign for the town of Jesus
15 December 2010
by Giacomo Pizzi
“A board for Capernaum”- fundraising campaign for the town of Jesus
The idea was born more than a year ago, from the need to decide on a new pavement to be placed at the center of the archaeological site of Capernaum, among the excavations in the city of Jesus along the shore of Lake Tiberias (also known as the Sea of Galilee). The ideal material for […]
A new bathroom for the disabled in Gaza thanks to the support of ATS pro Terra Sancta
14 December 2010
by Giacomo Pizzi
A new bathroom for the disabled in Gaza thanks to the support of ATS pro Terra Sancta
The project to aid the Christians of Gaza sponsored by ATS pro Terra Sancta continues to make good progress, thanks to the efforts of the parish priest and curate of the only Catholic parish in the Gaza Strip. The two Argentinean priests, who take into their own home youth with severe disabilities, are now coordinating […]
Completion of the course for parents organized by ATS pro Terra Sancta in Bethlehem:   new classes to begin in January
06 December 2010
by Giacomo Pizzi
Completion of the course for parents organized by ATS pro Terra Sancta in Bethlehem: new classes to begin in January
The course for parents organized for parents as part of the ATS pro Terra Sancta project “Education and training to aid children in difficulty in Bethlehem and their families” has just ended with a resounding success. The project was financed by the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI). As a result of the course’s large enrollment and […]
Non nobis: the midnight Christmas Mass in the Nativity Church
06 December 2010
by Giacomo Pizzi
Non nobis: the midnight Christmas Mass in the Nativity Church
Message from the organizers: The Accademia delle Opere will perform in Bethlehem at Christmas. This project came to life some months ago, when Father Armando Pierucci, organ player of the Holy Sepulchre – together with Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Franciscan Custodian of the Holy Land – contacted our Academy. It was a great honour, which led to […]
UNESCO and ATS pro Terra Sancta joined together to safeguard the cultural patrimony of the Old City of Jerusalem
02 December 2010
by Giacomo Pizzi
UNESCO and ATS pro Terra Sancta joined together to safeguard the cultural patrimony of the Old City of Jerusalem
To protect and safeguard the cultural heritage of the Old City of Jerusalem: this is the objective of the program initiated by ATS pro Terra Sancta, the NGO of the Custody of the Holy Land, in collaboration with the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture. The project, approved on 16 November 2010, provides […]
Frattini in the Franciscan school at Jericho
24 November 2010
by Giacomo Pizzi
Frattini in the Franciscan school at Jericho
“Education and culture are two formidable instruments for promoting peace. And this is why we will continue to invest in the school and in education in this land.” With these words Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini inaugurated on Tuesday 23 November the multipurpose center at the Terra Sancta School in Jericho, a project realized thanks […]
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