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The diocese of Mondovi (CN) supports the “Jerusalem Stones of Memory” project.

19 May 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
The diocese of Mondovi (CN) supports the “Jerusalem Stones of Memory” project.
The diocese of Mondovi (CN) supports the “Jerusalem Stones of Memory” project.
Le pietre della memoria

I offer all my support to the initiatives which you are undertaking in order to contribute to creating socio-economic conditions which will help those Christians who have chosen to remain in their country, and I urge the whole Church to provide strong support to these efforts”

The Bishop of Mondovi (CN), Bishop Luciano Pacomio, has joined the appeal launched by Custodian of the Holy Land and President of ATS Pro Terra Sancta, Father Pierbattista Pizzaballa, by reminding us during Easter week that "we are all called upon to take care of the Holy Land, much loved and cherished, and the source of both our history and faith."

Presenting the "Jerusalem Stones of Memory" project to the priests, deacons and young confirmands convened on the occasion of Holy Thursday, Bishop Pacomio chose to support the initiative with the aim of helping poor Christian families in Jerusalem and also, at the same time, of preserving the Christian character of the city. This initiative was launched by the NGOs, Franciscans of the Holy Land and ATS Pro Terra Sancta, and is being carried out by the Custody of the Holy Land's technical office.

The Custodian of the Holy Land reminds us that "Supporting the Christian community in Jerusalem during Easter week represents a special opportunity to identify with the places of Christ's redemption and contribute to creating a long-awaited peace in the Holy Land."

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