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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 42
Two science exhibitions presented in Bethlehem, as part of the educational project supported by ATS pro Terra Sancta and AVSI
14 March 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
Two science exhibitions presented in Bethlehem, as part of the educational project supported by ATS pro Terra Sancta and AVSI
Thanks to the collaboration between ATS pro Terra Sancta and AVSI, and sponsored by Italian Development Cooperation, two scientific exhibitions – previously presented at the Rimini Meeting – offering a new and exciting manner of experiencing mathematics and astronomy were inaugurated on 11 March at the University of Bethlehem. The exhibitions, which will remain open […]
TERRA SANCTA MUSEUM: the world’s first museum on the roots of Christianity
14 March 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
TERRA SANCTA MUSEUM: the world’s first museum on the roots of Christianity
In 2015 in the heart of the Old City of Jerusalem, the TERRA SANCTA MUSEUM – the only museum in the world dedicated to the roots of Christianity and the preservation of the Holy Places – will open: a permanent exhibit established by the Custody of the Holy Land to shed light on the history […]
The works continue at Gethsemane: highlighting the gold in the central dome
12 March 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
The works continue at Gethsemane: highlighting the gold in the central dome
After the domes in the left aisle and in the two side apses, the works to clean and restore the central dome of the Church of Gethsemane were completed last week. The splendid gold and glass mosaics are once again shining, thanks to the patient work of the local young mosaic artists who took part […]
For the elderly of Bethlehem a trip to Jericho is a reason for joy
11 March 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
For the elderly of Bethlehem a trip to Jericho is a reason for joy
The complicated political and economic situation in Palestine has a major impact not only on young people and adults, but also on the elderly, who live without fixed incomes and often are perceived by their families as being a burden. Having reached old age, ill and and in some cases estranged from their families, the […]
And adventure is coming to an end and a new one is starting: The story of Davide, a young ex-volunteer of the Civil Service
11 March 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
And adventure is coming to an end and a new one is starting: The story of Davide, a young ex-volunteer of the Civil Service
Davide Bianchi was employed for a year at the Archaeological Museum, on the project “Telling the Story of the Holy Land” and has now returned to Jerusalem in order to continue offering his abilities as an archaeologist to support the Holy Places. Here is his story, that shows us his joy about returning and his […]
The Saint Anthony’s Charities continue to support the unprivileged in Bethlehem
08 March 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Saint Anthony’s Charities continue to support the unprivileged in Bethlehem
This year, the Saint Anthony’s Charities of Padua decided to offer their support again and contribute to the project “Taking care of the Holy Land” that aims to obtain medicine for the vulnerable people of Bethlehem. The aim of this project is to help people who are sick and unprivileged, making sure they have access […]
Holy Sepulchre: Extraordinary maintenance work at the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament
06 March 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
Holy Sepulchre: Extraordinary maintenance work at the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament
The Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament (also called the chapel of the Apparition of Jesus), is located inside the sanctuary of the Holy Sepulchre and it remembers the episode of the encounter between a Resurrected Christ and the Virgin Mary, not told in the Gospels but passed on by tradition. In the month of January, […]
The inauguration of the Library and the Archives of the Custody: culture at the forefront
05 March 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
The inauguration of the Library and the Archives of the Custody: culture at the forefront
On Thursday 28 February the inaugural ceremony for the General Library and the Historical Archives of the Custody of the Holy Land took place. Attendees were also able to admire the splendid volumes from the exhibition “Books of the Holy Land. A journey among the ancient books of the General Library of the Custody of […]
The elderly from the Antonian Charitable Society in Bethlehem also take part in the World Day of the Sick
01 March 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
The elderly from the Antonian Charitable Society in Bethlehem also take part in the World Day of the Sick
The 21st edition of the World Day of the Sick on the 10th February was also celebrated at the Basilica of St Catherine of Bethlehem. The Holy Mass brought together sick people of all ages: children, young people, adults and elders. The day brought a moment of prayer, of sharing and proximity towards the sick […]
The book by father Ibrahim Faltas— councilor of ATS pro Terra Sancta— about the siege  of the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, is presented in Milan
27 February 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
The book by father Ibrahim Faltas— councilor of ATS pro Terra Sancta— about the siege of the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, is presented in Milan
On Saturday the 2nd of March 2013 the book “Dall’assedio della Natività all’assedio della città” (“From the siege of the Nativity to the siege of the City”), written by fra Ibrahim Faltas— councilor of ATS pro Terra Sancta— will be presented in Milan. This book has been written on the tenth anniversary of the siege of […]
The impressions and the gratitude of a visitor to the projects of ATS pro Terra Sancta
27 February 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
The impressions and the gratitude of a visitor to the projects of ATS pro Terra Sancta
After having visited with us Sabastiya, Jericho and the Christian quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, and after having seen first-hand the projects delivered by ATS pro Terra Sancta in these places, this is Patrycja’s message: “I would like to thank you all for a great experience I had visiting your projects. Not only […]
A little present from Marseilles for the families at the Christian quarter in Jerusalem
26 February 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
A little present from Marseilles for the families at the Christian quarter in Jerusalem
The families at the Christian quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem are opening the doors of their houses to receive an unexpected present, a token of friendship that is coming from far away. A friend pro Terra Sancta, apart from offering specific support to the ATS pro Terra Sancta projects, also wanted to offer […]
Inauguration of the new premises of the General Library and Archives of the Custody of the Holy Land
22 February 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
Inauguration of the new premises of the General Library and Archives of the Custody of the Holy Land
The new premises of the General Library and Archives of the Custody of the Holy Land will be inaugurated on Thursday 28th February from 8:30 am at the “Immacolata” Hall in the Convent of St Saviour (Old City of Jerusalem). On the same date we will also open the exhibition “Books of the Holy Land. […]
Civilian service: Alessandro’s story at the end of his experience
15 February 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
Civilian service: Alessandro’s story at the end of his experience
At the end of his experience, Alessandro tells his story, one of the four young Italians, who during the past year have worked on different ATS pro Terra Sancta projects, thanks to an agreement with the University of Bari. Alessandro worked in the library of the convent of San Salvatore, on the project “Books, Bridges […]
Civilian service in Jerusalem: Giuseppe’s story at the end of his experience
14 February 2013
by Giacomo Pizzi
Civilian service in Jerusalem: Giuseppe’s story at the end of his experience
This week four young Italians will be completing their year of Civilian Service, during which time they have each been involved, in different manners, in the projects of ATS pro Terra Sancta, as a result of an agreement with the University of Bari. They have made use of their individual skills and knowledge, but above […]
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