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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 32
Terra Sancta Museum: restoration of the collection of firmans
10 August 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Terra Sancta Museum: restoration of the collection of firmans
[From]  While work is under way at the sites that will host the Terra Sancta Museum, the Custody’s archivist Br. Sergey Loktionov is preparing the archival documents that will be exhibited in the Museum – especially the firmans. Firmans are royal mandates or decrees issued by the Ottoman Empire. Their existence is paramount to trace […]
Elderly people, the poor and the whole Bethlehem community grieve the loss of Sister Immacolata
03 August 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Elderly people, the poor and the whole Bethlehem community grieve the loss of Sister Immacolata
Saturday August 1st sister Immacolata has passed away. Superior of the sant’Antonio Gianelli sisters who serve the Antonian Charitable Society in Bethlehem, in the last few weeks she was severely suffering and the fight against her illness was every day harder. Sister Immacolata, of Jordan origins but for more than twenty years in Bethlehem, has […]
Person of the month: Fr. Ibrahim, pastor in Aleppo, Syria
28 July 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Person of the month: Fr. Ibrahim, pastor in Aleppo, Syria
Fr. Ibrahin Alsabagh is Parish Priest in Aleppo. Born in Damascus, he completed his studies in Rome, after which he returned to Syria to be with his people. In a recent telephone conversation we asked him to tell us what it means to live out the faith in a place like Aleppo which is devastated […]
Summer camp in Bethlehem, the enthusiasm of the youngest
21 July 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Summer camp in Bethlehem, the enthusiasm of the youngest
On Thursday 2 July the summer camp held at Catholic Action in Bethlehem came to an end. The camp was financed by the Italian Episcopal Conference, through its Committee for charitable activities in favor of third-world countries , as part of a project to support the weakest elements of society in Bethlehem: women, young people […]
Syria: Fr Dhiya Azziz liberated
11 July 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Syria: Fr Dhiya Azziz liberated
In a communique published yesterday by the Custody of the Holy Land, the good news of the release of Fr. Dhiya Azziz: The Custody of the Holy Land announced that the Fr. Dhiya Azziz has been liberated. The Custody had had no news of the Fr. Dihya since Saturday, July 4, in the late afternoon. Conflicting news had […]
Lost the contact with a friar of the Custody of the Holy Land in Syria
07 July 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Lost the contact with a friar of the Custody of the Holy Land in Syria
It was spread yesterday by the Custody of the Holy Land a communique stating that a friar is disappeared in Syria:  During the late afternoon of Saturday 4 July, we lost the contact with Father Dhiya Aziz, an Iraqi Franciscan of the Custody of the Holy Land, parish priest at Yacoubieh (Province of Idlib, district of […]
Personality of the Month: Matilde, a master ceramist among the youth of Sabastiya and Nursf Jebeil
06 July 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Personality of the Month: Matilde, a master ceramist among the youth of Sabastiya and Nursf Jebeil
Matilde Tibuzzi, ceramist and teacher of ceramics (here is her blog, in Italian) tells us about her experience at Nursf Jebeil in connection with the ceramics course organized by the Mosaic Centre of Jericho, in collaboration with Association pro Terra Sancta and thanks to financing provided by the Fondation Assistance Internationale di Lugano (FAI). Her participation occurred […]
Emergency Syria: a summer camp brings joy to the heart of Aleppo
22 June 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Emergency Syria: a summer camp brings joy to the heart of Aleppo
“We have recently started a summer camp for the children of Aleppo. Initially there were 50 and then, in just a little while, it was up to 120 attending!” says Father Ibrahim, friar of the Custody of the Holy Land and Parish of Aleppo. A courageous initiative, which has brought a festive spirit and joy […]
Discovering the Dominus Flevit: first visit for 15 girls from a school at the Mount of Olives
22 June 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Discovering the Dominus Flevit: first visit for 15 girls from a school at the Mount of Olives
On Tuesday 9th June there was the first visit to the Dominus Flevit by some girls from the At-Tur Girls School, at the Mount of Olives. Fifteen 11-year-old girls visited this place, with two of their teachers and Osama Hamdan, supervisor of the activities for the Mosaic Centre and for the Association pro Terra Sancta. […]
The wedding list? a special donation for Bethlehem
12 June 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
The wedding list? a special donation for Bethlehem
Maurizio and Valentina wanted their wedding to be a donation for those who need it most. They got married by the Franciscan friars in front of a big crowd,and they asked their guests to show generosity in order to share providence with those most in need. That’s why they chose to create a very special […]
Personality of the Month: Naila, Social Worker in Bethlehem
09 June 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Personality of the Month: Naila, Social Worker in Bethlehem
This month Association pro Terra Sancta launches the initiative “Personality of the Month”: each month we will introduce you to a person living in the Holy Land, in order to bring you even closer to the living stones and let you breathe in the reality of these Holy Places. The inaugural one is Naila Nasser, […]
A typical day for the elderly people at the Day Centre of the Antonian Charitable Society
04 June 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
A typical day for the elderly people at the Day Centre of the Antonian Charitable Society
A mere two steps away from the Bethlehem checkpoint, there is a place that represents hope and newfound tranquillity for many people. These people find themselves living on their own in their old age, experiencing many difficulties to access care and without the financial means to face their daily needs. It’s the day Antonian Charitable […]
Museum of the Shroud of Turin: a preview of the Terra Sancta Museum
30 April 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Museum of the Shroud of Turin: a preview of the Terra Sancta Museum
A few days ago, at the Museum of the Shroud of Turin, an exhibition began of four small objects: a Herodian lamp and three unguentaria (ointment bottles) dating from the first century AD, now part of the collections of the Museum of the Shroud of Turin and the Museum of Oriental Art. The exhibition began […]
A ceramics course for Palestinian youth: from archaeological heritage to local development
24 April 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
A ceramics course for Palestinian youth: from archaeological heritage to local development
At the center of Palestine, a few kilometers from the town of Sabastiya, stands the village of Nursf Jebeil: nearly 300 inhabitants, with a predominantly agricultural economy, the village has a historic relationship with the town of Sabastiya and with the Christian tradition linked to John the Baptist, and is the site of a small […]
Classrooms renovated and now safe: surprise for the young pupils at the St. Catherine of Bethlehem preschool.
20 April 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Classrooms renovated and now safe: surprise for the young pupils at the St. Catherine of Bethlehem preschool.
Founded in 2001, the preschool of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena is located in a privileged place: just a few hundred meters from the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem! Today the building is home to more than 40 little boys and girls, ranging in age from three and a half months […]
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