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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 33
Supporting the Christian presence in the Old City of Jerusalem: a building restored
15 April 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Supporting the Christian presence in the Old City of Jerusalem: a building restored
Located along the boundary between the Christian and Muslim quarters, within the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem, the building known as “Herro” faces onto the Arab souk, above the remnants of the ancient Roman Cardo Maximus that divided ancient Jerusalem in two, on a north-south axis. The complex, owned by the Custody of […]
Pope Francis’ prayer for the Holy Land
13 April 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Pope Francis’ prayer for the Holy Land
These are the words spoken by Pope Francis at the Urbi et Orbi message of April 5th and of the Regina Coeli of April 6th 2015. “We ask Jesus, the Victor over death, to lighten the sufferings of our many brothers and sisters who are persecuted for his name, and of all those who suffer injustice as […]
The Franciscans of the Holy Land and their benefactors. An interview with Fr. Sergio Galdi, Secretary of the Holy Land and of the Association pro Terra Sancta
07 April 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Franciscans of the Holy Land and their benefactors. An interview with Fr. Sergio Galdi, Secretary of the Holy Land and of the Association pro Terra Sancta
Father Sergio Galdi, Secretary of the Holy Land and of the Association pro Terra Sancta, during a recent visit to our offices, spoke of the commitment of the Franciscan friars to their benefactors, that is, those who have chosen to support the work of the Franciscans in the lands that witnessed the birth of Christianity. […]
Happy Easter from Association pro Terra Sancta
01 April 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Happy Easter from Association pro Terra Sancta
DEAR PRO TERRA SANCTA FRIEND, Association pro Terra Sancta wishes you a blessed Easter filled with joy and peace. We remind everybody of the “Collection for the Holy Land”, traditionally made on Good Friday to support the Places of Jesus. You too can take part in the mission the Franciscans have undertaken in the Holy Land for […]
Holy Sepulchre: New protection for the frescoes in the Chapel of the Finding of the Cross
24 March 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Holy Sepulchre: New protection for the frescoes in the Chapel of the Finding of the Cross
The Chapel of the Finding of the Cross, located below the Chapel of Saint Helena, is the deepest point at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where, according to tradition, Empress Helena found the cross of Christ, together with the nails and the titulus, the inscription showing the conviction in three languages. Now a new […]
Discovering Dominus Flevit: the first visit for 15 girls from a school on the Mount of Olives
21 March 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Discovering Dominus Flevit: the first visit for 15 girls from a school on the Mount of Olives
On Tuesday, June 9 , the first visit to Dominus Flevit by a class of girls from the At-tur girls schools, on the Mount of Olives, took place. 15 eleven-year-old girls, accompanied by two teachers, visited this place together with Osama Hamdan, supervisor of activities for the Mosaic Centre and for the Association pro Terra […]
What do you think of our website?
18 March 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
What do you think of our website?
Dear pro Terra Sancta friend, We would like to improve our website. We ask just two minutes of your time to complete a very short questionnaire.
The Holy Land in videos: discover and share!
10 March 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Holy Land in videos: discover and share!
The new section “Terra Santa in video” entirely dedicated to videos produced by Association pro Terra Sancta in collaboration with the Christian Media Center of Jerusalem is now online: a pictorial account of our projects and our activities in the Holy Land. This new area shows the work being carried out with the support of […]
Books, Bridges of Peace: an extraordinary project in the difficult context of the Middle East
05 March 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Books, Bridges of Peace: an extraordinary project in the difficult context of the Middle East
“In a historical and political context such as the one now facing us, in which fanatics seek to destroy all coexistence, it is important to show that history has bequeathed us a different legacy, which is not only to be preserved but to be transmitted with determination, for here in the Middle East different cultures […]
Monsignor Abu Khazen from Aleppo: confidence must be restored
03 March 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Monsignor Abu Khazen from Aleppo: confidence must be restored
The Custody of the Holy Land through its brothers in Syria and Lebanon dedicates itself a little more each day for the victims of the conflicts in the Middle East. Syrian refugees, Iraqi and Kurdish displaced, many of them are pushing the doors of convents and churches to find some respite, to find something to […]
A water problem, and some concrete help in Bethlehem: new water tanks
20 February 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
A water problem, and some concrete help in Bethlehem: new water tanks
Water and the control of water resources is one of critical issues in the Mediterranean region and, more specifically, in the Middle East. Since the beginning of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, water resources have not met the basic needs of the inhabitants. The escalation of the conflict has exacerbated the problem in recent years, and for […]
The Council of Supporters of Association pro Terra Sancta, in Jerusalem
16 February 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Council of Supporters of Association pro Terra Sancta, in Jerusalem
The Conference of the Council of Supporters of Association pro Terra Sancta took place from 5 to 8 February, in and around Jerusalem: an immersion in the reality of the Custody of the Holy Land, from exhibitions of precious objects coming from the Treasury of the Holy Sepulchre, to walks through archaeological sites of inestimable […]
More than 15 million Syrians who are displaced or refugees urgently need your help
31 January 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
More than 15 million Syrians who are displaced or refugees urgently need your help
Syria is a blessed land for Christianity: Paul’s conversion took place in Damascus. But since the beginning of the civil war, four years ago, the situation has become increasingly tragic: in addition to the more than 190,000 civilian casualties, the current crisis relates to the internally displaced within the country and the refugees in neighboring […]
Remembering Rasmi, expert mosaicist and trainer for the new generations
29 January 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
Remembering Rasmi, expert mosaicist and trainer for the new generations
With great regret the collaborators of Association pro Terra Sancta have learned of the death of Rasmi Shaer, a few days ago in Jericho, hit by a car while cycling home from work. Rasmi was one of the most experienced staff members of the Mosaic Centre Jericho, and worked for many years in collaboration with Association […]
“What have I accomplished here?”: the testimony of Alice, a volunteer in Jerusalem
28 January 2015
by Giacomo Pizzi
“What have I accomplished here?”: the testimony of Alice, a volunteer in Jerusalem
The Italian Civil Service experience for six young Italians, employed in various manners in the projects of Association pro Terra Sancta, thanks to an agreement with the University of Bari, it is over. The young people have put to good use their skills and knowledge, but above all they have learnt a lot. This is the story of […]
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