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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 27
The factotum of the Sabastiya Guesthouse who wants to bring beauty to the whole town
27 March 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
The factotum of the Sabastiya Guesthouse who wants to bring beauty to the whole town
“Shady!”. Hush. “Shaady!”. We shout again; silence again. Then suddenly he appears, with the phone on one side and with a pack of towels and blankets under his other arm. His name is Shady Shair, 29, the handyman at Guesthouse Sabastiya. We are in Samaria, in the place where there is the tomb of John the […]
Restoring the physical place to preserve faith: the inauguration of the newly restored tomb of the Holy Sepulcher
24 March 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
Restoring the physical place to preserve faith: the inauguration of the newly restored tomb of the Holy Sepulcher
It had never happened before. The tomb of the Holy Sepulcher has been finally restored after 10 months of work. For the inauguration, the chairs are arranged in a circle, divided by sector, according to the various denominations: Greek Orthodox, the sector of the Latin Catholics and that of the Armenians. The chairs are divided […]
Six years of war in Syria and the tireless efforts of ATS pro Terra Sancta alongside the population
20 March 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
Six years of war in Syria and the tireless efforts of ATS pro Terra Sancta alongside the population
It was 15 March 2011. At that time, the Middle East lived a new hope brought by the Arab Springs, when a series of demonstrations against the regime of Bashar Al Assad rushed Syria into chaos. Today the numbers of a war that seems to have no end speak for themselves. According to the Syrian […]
Co-existence proposals from the Middle East: the subscriptions to the Middle East Community Program are open!
10 March 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
Co-existence proposals from the Middle East: the subscriptions to the Middle East Community Program are open!
Examples of co-existence, while everywhere in the Middle East never-ending conflicts destroy everything. Excursions between Israel and Palestine, to discover a millenary heritage that belongs to all humanity. Lectures to explain what is going on a few steps from Europe, where our civilization is rooted. This is what the “Middle East Community Program” is all […]
“We were all born there”: a conference in Milan explains why it is important to support the Holy Land
07 March 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
“We were all born there”: a conference in Milan explains why it is important to support the Holy Land
“The commitment to support the Churches of the Middle East dates back to St. Paul. The apostle of the Gentiles always insisted on the commitment for Jerusalem, because thanks to the Christian community of the Holy City the Gospel was spread throughout the world. The same is true today. The Church of Jerusalem continues to be […]
Terra Sancta Museum on the Via Dolorosa, because “no one knows about it”
22 February 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
Terra Sancta Museum on the Via Dolorosa, because “no one knows about it”
“Before I started working here I did not know anything about the Via Dolorosa, I didn’t even know what Convent of the Flagellation was…” Christine tells us. She is a 24 year old Christian from the Old City. She has been working for the Terra Sancta Museum for some few months now. “It’s true,” says Rozan, […]
A lesson with the Arab Institute of Bethlehem: “It’s not enough to know each other and respect each other, but it’s necessary to valorize the other too”
15 February 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
A lesson with the Arab Institute of Bethlehem: “It’s not enough to know each other and respect each other, but it’s necessary to valorize the other too”
“I’m rediscovering much of my faith and of the faith of my Christian friends. When you do not know the other, you are guided by stereotypes and distrust … It takes so little to change”, says  Mohammed at the end of the lecture held at the Greek Catholic School in Beit Sahour. There are about twenty […]
Women in Bethlehem: good food, encounter, and the beauty in little things
08 February 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
Women in Bethlehem: good food, encounter, and the beauty in little things
5 women, some of them are veiled, some others are not. They are mothers, Christian and Muslim mothers together, and mothers who are learning how to cook. This is the purpose of the new project Association pro Terra Sancta in Bethlehem, within a larger three-year program “Women, young people and old people: we support the […]
The rising of Aleppo
08 February 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
The rising of Aleppo
(From Rubble, houses and roads destroyed for kilometers. This is the most painful stage of our journey to Syria, where it’s hard to hold the commotion. “Welcome to Aleppo!” The road signs indicating the entrance to the ancient capital of the North, sound almost like a joke. While signs of the bloody battle that a […]
In Damascus the Franciscans Keep Their Doors Open
08 February 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
In Damascus the Franciscans Keep Their Doors Open
(From In the Franciscan church near Bab Touma (The Door of Thomas) in Damascus, the dome still bears the signs of recent bombings. Br. Bahjat Karakach, the superior of the convent, miraculously escaped the explosion that damaged the sanctuary. The parish center where Br. Antoine Louxa lives along with him is the first stop […]
Annual Report 2017
24 January 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
Annual Report 2017
The Annual Report 2017 of ATS pro Terra Sancta has been published in these days. The report tells all the work done in 2017 through numbers. After such an important achievement, the first thing we would like to tell you is simply “thank you”.
“Reconciling with ourselves, to build the world”: the wonderful adventure of the kids in Bethlehem
18 January 2017
by Giacomo Pizzi
“Reconciling with ourselves, to build the world”: the wonderful adventure of the kids in Bethlehem
“We learn to reconcile ourselves with our problems, we learn to face them, but above all, we learn to grow starting from them and from other kinds of difficulties. And then we learn to exercise our critical judgment, in addressing the problems, not to address them instinctively”, says Ibrahim, who is 13 years old. This […]
Merry Christmas from the Association pro Terra Sancta!
25 December 2016
by Giacomo Pizzi
Merry Christmas from the Association pro Terra Sancta!
To all those who have donated with a benevolent gesture. To all those who have accompanied us, who have met us along the road, and who have visited us allowing us to feel your presence. To the community of friars of the Custody of the Holy Land, who we serve with the same daily mission […]
Aleppo is free but a real peace is still far away
22 December 2016
by Giacomo Pizzi
Aleppo is free but a real peace is still far away
“Soldiers cannot make peace, perhaps they might just win a war. We need Politics to pursue peace, but right now Politics is missing and we don’t even know what is going to happen next”. With these words the newly elected Apostolic Administrator of the Latin Patriarcate in Jerusalem, Mons. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, recently described the ongoing situation in Aleppo. […]
With the Italian Episcopal Conference in schools to reduce violence among teens in Bethlehem
23 November 2016
by Giacomo Pizzi
With the Italian Episcopal Conference in schools to reduce violence among teens in Bethlehem
According to a recent study done by UNICEF, violence in Palestinian schools is growing: almost 50% of children assisted to episodes of violence in class, 51% admitted to have used aggressive behavior towards their peers, and even teachers complain about violence in class or admit to have used or experienced violence, both physical and psychological. […]
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