context & Objective
In Jerusalem, over 3,500 African migrants have found shelter. These are primarily Christian men and women from a variety of East African countries who have fled religious and political persecution as well as extreme poverty.The terrible journey they face, exposes them to various forms of torture and assault. They are marginalized for linguistic and cultural reasons, denied health care, and have no place to live when they arrive in Jerusalem.In Israel, there are only a few organizations that assist these people. The Jerusalem African Community Center (JACC) is one of them. It is the only Israeli non-profit organization in Jerusalem that provides legal, medical, and psychological-social assistance to refugees and applicants. JACC and the Pro Terra Sancta Association work to provide support to refugees and asylum seekers.The Association also supports the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, who in the Mamilla neighborhood of Jerusalem, receive African refugee children, kids who are often neglected, and the elderly who are unable to care for themselves.
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