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What we carry out is something sacred

07 October 2024
Pro Terra Sancta
What we carry out is something sacred
What we carry out is something sacred

Looking for the fit between the tiles of a mosaic to compose the details of an image almost never succeeds on the first attempt.

Try to bring the stone closer to the tiles already glued, trying to make it fit together as much as possible; then, turn it over until you find the most similar side. And even in that case maybe the tiles do not fit perfectly, there is always some space, but any imperfection disappears when you admire the image in full.

And so here is that the image, the message composed of those tiles all different but united, is something special. Special like the mission that Pro Terra Sancta has been carrying out for years with the Jericho Mosaic Centre. Iyad, of the Mosaic Centre association, even calls it "something sacred". A sacred mission that from 7 October to today has not only not lost its value, but has been strengthened.

This is his testimony:

"A few days ago, despite the difficulties of movement, the tensions and the violence that every day digs an ever deeper furrow of pain in our lives, I was struck by a moment of meeting and formation that we were able to organize with the collaborators of Pro Terra Sancta here in Jericho. Together with the Pro Terra Sancta staff, we organized a shared moment with a small training on the composition of the mosaics. A small moment of sharing rather than actual training, but which was very important for me."

"In this period meeting is not easy just as it is not easy to be together with serenity even for a few hours, while instead we really need it. On that occasion I realized how important our working together with you is, because in the end it was like being in the family because we all tend to the same goal: that of never giving up on enhancing heritage, history and starting from this people and in this way building hope. For this reason, in such a difficult moment for everyone , our union has strengthened while everything else falls apart."

"Because our mission is something sacred."

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