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Sabastiya: the youth of the village taking Italian lessons

27 March 2012
Pro Terra Sancta
Sabastiya: the youth of the village taking Italian lessons
Sabastiya: the youth of the village taking Italian lessons
Since mid-March the Italian-language course for youth in Sabastiya has been underway. Once a week, for approximately three months, the youngsters involved in the project “Sabastiya, the fruits of history” will take part in Italian lessons given by a teacher from ATS pro Terra Sancta. The youngsters will gradually learn the basics of communication in Italian, and will thus be in a position to better welcome the steadily-increasing number of Italian tourists and pilgrims who are coming to the village. In addition, several of these youngsters are preparing themselves to be able to guide groups at the archaeological site and in the historic center of the village, where there are numerous objects of artistic and historical beauty, many of which have been brought to light and restored through the intervention of ATS pro Terra Sancta over the past few years. The Italian-language course is part of a larger program financed by the Cariplo Foundation that is being carried out in collaboration with the Mosaic Center of Jericho, and which specifically includes training activities, above all for the youth and women of the village. Photo by Annalisa Vandelli.


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