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A course for school directors in Jerusalem and the Palestinian Territories

28 March 2012
Pro Terra Sancta
A course for school directors in Jerusalem and the Palestinian Territories
A course for school directors in Jerusalem and the Palestinian Territories
On 24 March, in the hall of the Custodial Curia in Jerusalem, a meeting organized by AVSI and dedicated to educational activities in the Christian schools of Jerusalem and the Palestinian Territories took place. Participating in the meeting were the twelve directors of Christian schools involved in the program “Supporting emergency education in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories”, which provides support for carrying out training courses and various types of activities for children, adolescents, teachers and families. Presentations were made by the Custos of the Holy Land fra Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the AVSI representative Alberto Repossi, the Director of Italian Development Cooperation in Jerusalem Silvano Tabbò, the coordinator of the schools of the Custody of the Holy Land fra Abdel Masih Fahim, the director of the Terra Sancta College of Bethlehem fra Marwan Dides and the Italian consultant for AVSI and principal of the Istituto Fondazione Sacro Cuore in Milan Luca Montecchi. The course was organized in response to the request by a number of the school directors for assistance in managing and coordinating the educational institutions in which they are serving. The directors of the schools had examined the report of the activities carried out by ATS pro Terra Sancta and AVSI over the past year, and were thus in a position to discuss common issues and problems. They discussed, for example, the need for training personnel and not only teachers for the youths in the Palestinian schools, the methodology to be followed by the teachers in these schools, support activities in dealing with situations of distress and disability, and the need to provide a special welcome for those children who are rejected by their families and society. ATS pro Terra Sancta and AVSI remain committed to improving the educational opportunities of the beneficiaries of this project, in order to foster the cultural and personal development of these young students, teachers and families.  


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