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“Bethlehem, cradle of the Messiah”: an exhibition to learn about the City of the Lord

15 November 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
“Bethlehem, cradle of the Messiah”: an exhibition to learn about the City of the Lord
“Bethlehem, cradle of the Messiah”: an exhibition to learn about the City of the Lord

From this premise was born the idea of an exhibition entitled “Bethlehem, cradle of the Messiah”, produced by Edizioni Terra Santa – the publishing house of the Custody of the Holy Land – and envisioned as an educational and pastoral tool for institutions, parishes and schools.

An essential condition for feeling close to, for loving and for aiding the Holy Land and its living stones is understanding what happened there, and what is taking place there today.

The exhibition is  a comprehensive one, ranging from the history of Bethlehem interpreted in the light of its Biblical past, through the story of the birth of the Messiah by means of artistic works and Middle Eastern iconography, to finally arrive at the Bethlehem of today, with one section dedicated to its holy places and another to the current socio-political situation in this Palestinian city.

ATS pro Terra Sancta, which for a number of years through its projects has supported the Bethlehem community, proposes to all who might be interested in hosting this splendid exhibition in their own school, parish or association, to also take advantage of this opportunity to help us promote the fundraising campaign “At Christmas Time a return to the beginning”. In this manner, in addition to being an instrument for understanding and feeling closer to the city where our Lord was born, the exhibition “Bethlehem, cradle of the Messiah”, can become a way of supporting in the context of Christmas the living stones who reside there today.

Please request the exhibition and help us to support Bethlehem!

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