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World Day of the Sick: Nazareth is tinged with hope

19 February 2016
Pro Terra Sancta
World Day of the Sick: Nazareth is tinged with hope
World Day of the Sick: Nazareth is tinged with hope

(from Christian Media Center)

On February 11, on the World Day of the Sick, the solemn liturgical celebration took place in the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. The mass was presided over by Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski, special envoy of the Holy Father and President of the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care, together with the religious authorities of the Holy Land.

In the front row, the protagonists of this day: the sick, local Christians but also pilgrims who came here to celebrate this day, all carrying their own suffering and thus representing all the patients around the world. The celebration was expressed in different languages.

It is in the anointing of the sick that the World Day of the Sick finds its highest expression; God's people gather under the cross, believing they are in need of the care and mercy of God.

Mons. Zimowski also reminded Pope Francis’ words: "To all those who are serving the sick and the suffering, I pray they are animated by the spirit of Mary, Mother of Mercy. The sweetness of her gaze guides us in this Holy Year, because all of us can rediscover the joy of God's tenderness and keep it imprinted in our hearts and deeds."

In the crowd, among those who consecrate their life to the sick and the elderly, there were some volunteers of the Association pro Terra Sancta. The Association follows various projects in support of the sick and elderly people, like the Antonian Society home for the erlerly and the medical assistance for families in Bethlehem.

The volunteers participating to the event also wanted to remember all the men and women supported by the Association in the health emergencies in Syria, Jordan and Gaza.

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