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Lebanon – Support for local educational works

Education and assistance
Pro Terra Sancta
Lebanon – Support for local educational works
Lebanon – Support for local educational works
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Distribution of
food and basic necessities

Lebanon is a country devastated by conflict and an unprecedented economic and social crisis , where most of the economic availability comes from the contribution of the Lebanese who left the country in the diaspora and now live elsewhere.

In this difficult context, Pro Terra Sancta is active on several fronts to help this tormented population: in addition to the projects active in the area, such as WIP and the Franciscan Care Center, the Association contributes to the survival of the population by supporting various local educational works and a series of local welfare realities.

Gemmaize Help Center

The Social and Emergency Assistance Centre is located within the complex of the convent of Gemmaize, where five rooms and a hall have been recovered to house the offices of Pro Terra Sancta. About ten people work there, including permanent staff and temporary collaborators.

The project includes various social and assistance activities: the distribution of food and hygiene kits has reached 2,500 families in Beirut, many of which host fragile members such as the elderly and people with disabilities. A schooling service is also active: 407 students from Beirut and Harissa, from primary and secondary schools, have been supported through the payment of scholarships.

Tripoli Service Center

Within the complex of the convent in Tripoli, three rooms have been renovated and used as medical dispensary: the service center created in this way is active two days a week, and offers the advice of three doctors – one of whom is a paediatrician – and the distribution of medicines, hygiene kits and food parcels.

The distribution of goods has helped 1,500 families, many of whom are also members in need of special assistance; 1,794 beneficiaries were assisted through medical check-ups and distribution of medicines.

San Francesco Sports Center

At the convent of St. Francis, in Tripoli, there is a large sports center that includes a soccer field, a basketball court and a playground area. The sports center is a reference and meeting point for the entire neighborhood, frequented by about 300 Christian and Muslim children and young people from Lebanese, Syrian and Palestinian families.

The Association contributes to the maintenance and expansion of the centre, promoting renovation of the playing areas, covering of the fields and the organisation of courses and tournaments. During 2023 we also installed a solar panel system that supplies energy to the entire structure, and we completed the construction of new spaces to host new activities: table tennis, gym, dance and judo classes.

Support for schools

In collaboration with some local schools, we have set up 120 scholarships to support students from the most needy families; in some of these schools we have also activated a cycle of art and drawing courses, to bring the children of Tripoli closer to the importance of artistic communication.

In the complex of the convent of Tyre, where we have recovered some rooms to offer medical and food assistance, an after-school space has been reserved: in this way it has been possible to welcome children in need of attention outside school hours, offering them extracurricular education paths.

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We help the children of Lebanon build a better future
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