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25 October 2010
Pro Terra Sancta
\ in Hebrew in Hebrew
The Hebrew version of the website of ATS pro Terra Sancta is now available online at ATS pro Terra Sancta would like to inform of its activities and projects not only the Christians of Hebrew language, but also Hebrew people and institutions to spread information about the work of the Custody of the Holy Land all over the Holy Land. The Custodian of the Holy Land stated, during his speech at the Assembly of the Synod for the Middle East: “Being a minority shall not prevent us from giving a vibrant testimony of faith and belonging, making pointed and strong cultural proposals, the only way of confrontation in our Land. Being a minority shall not close us up, but open us to new forms of creativity, not only allowed, but sometimes even expected by our brothers of other faiths. The ecumenical commitment for us, living in the Holy Land, is first of all a daily encounter of people, brothers and sisters that share a common Christian path and a shared commitment to peace beyond diversities (Instrumentum laboris, n. 82). But it is also the daily expression of the difficulties that both prejudices and history have burdened us with and that are tangible and concrete in the Holy Land. As for the delicate and difficult political scenario, not tackling delicate issues that have been already touched upon too often even among us, I want to highlight what is often not even clear to ourselves, that is, it’s our duty as Christians in the Holy Land, we that do not claim territories and privileges, to guard, keep visible and defend strongly in every possible way and in any public arena the Christian character of the Holy Land and Jerusalem, not always granted and perhaps not always accepted”


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