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War in Aleppo: updates from the friars in Syria

22 August 2016
Pro Terra Sancta
War in Aleppo: updates from the friars in Syria
War in Aleppo: updates from the friars in Syria

The many forces involved in the Syrian conflict, are now fighting violently for the final conquest of the city. According to the Observatory for Human Rights in Syria 327 civilians died from July 31 to today. Among them there are 76 children and 41 women.

"There is no electricity, as usual, and lack of  water, again," Fr. Ibrahim told the Vatican Radio a week ago. "Everything costs a lot, while in recent days two areas were evacuated and many people now have to sleep on the streets or inside tents."

The work of the Franciscan community does not stop though. "It is a miracle, to be able to distribute the monthly food parcel to the many families in need. It is a miracle and a Divine Providence ...".

Since the beginning of the war in Syria the Association pro Terra Sancta has supported the work of the Franciscan friars in Syria in aid to the local community. In this terrible moment, we want to support our btorher's hope more than ever.

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