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The role of associations and volunteers in the Holy Land: a dedicated day in October

08 September 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
The role of associations and volunteers in the Holy Land: a dedicated day in October
The role of associations and volunteers in the Holy Land: a dedicated day in October

The fourth annual meeting between the Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, and the associations of volunteers who are supporting projects in the Holy Land will be held on Saturday 22 October at the Antonianum Auditorium in Rome. The day, the fourth of its kind, will this year focus on associations of volunteers and individuals who, while not belonging to specific organizations, make themselves available to work for the Holy Land.

The theme to be considered throughout the day will be “Religious liberty, the way of peace in the Holy Land. The role of associations and volunteers in reinforcing religious liberty.”

Among the interventions to take place, to be noted in particular are those of Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Custos of the Holy Land and President of ATS pro Terra Sancta, scheduled for 16.30 and that of Osama Hamdan, an architect who works with ATS pro Terra Sancta, scheduled for 14.00. The latter will present the exhibition “Mosaics of the Holy Land – A bridge of tesserae across the Mediterranean”, a traveling exhibition put together by the Mosaic Centre of Jericho in collaboration with ATS pro Terra Sancta.

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