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The past and the future meet in Sabastiya: the archaeological restoration works carried on by young people from the village

08 February 2012
Pro Terra Sancta
The past and the future meet in Sabastiya: the archaeological restoration works carried on by young people from the village
The past and the future meet in Sabastiya: the archaeological  restoration works carried on by young people from the village
Archaeological  restoration SabastiyaFragments from the past, from a rich and fascinating history. Items pieced together with great patience, from daily moments of the past. Sabastiya these days is witnessing an intensive operation of archaeological restoration. The great number of fragments extracted during past excavations are pieced together to bring back their original items: vases, amphorae, plates, objects of daily use, buried for a long time and that can now see the light again. With great professional skills and passion, Lucia – Italian restorer and collaborator of ATS pro Terra Sancta – coordinates the works, teaching young people from Sabastyia how to proceed. They learn the right techniques and they become protagonists of the valorization of their historical and cultural heritage. The objects pieced together will be partly on show in the future conference hall to be created  inside the big hall discovered in the village. Part of the hall will become a small museum, to collect and show  visitors in Sabastiya the items found during the excavations, presenting the village rich history, culture and art. Just like a connection between its past and its future.


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