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Some messages from friends and supporters of ATS pro Terra Sancta

27 December 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
Some messages from friends and supporters of ATS pro Terra Sancta
Some messages from friends and supporters of ATS pro Terra Sancta

Almost every day ATS pro Terra Sancta receives – either by mail or in other forms – messages from friends, volunteers, pilgrims, supporters of the Custody of the Holy Land and of ATS pro Terra Sancta. They all want to express the link and the passion connecting the visitors  to the Holy Sites and the living stones living here.

We would like to give you a sample of your messages, choosing among those arrived in 2011.


"I just got back from the Holy Land. A “beautiful” experience, but words cannot express the beauty it leaves in your heart. Thanks also to our tour leader, Father Sergio". Marta


"Peace&Goodness, please accept my best wishes on St. Francis’ Day. The Lord bless you all, and give you the strength to continue with your mission for the good of the community in the world. Best wishes" Magdouline F. Salameh


"I have renewed my subscription to “Amico pro Terra Sancta”. Best wishes”". Carla


"My name is Monica, one of the tour guides to the Apostles Exhibition at the Meeting in Rimini. Thank you for inserting my name on the ATS pro Terra Sancta newsletter mailing list, I am so happy each time I receive it! I have talked about it to my fraternity, so they got interested too and I am sending their mail addresses for your newsletter.  In this way more people will care about the Holy Sites, where Jesus lived and whose presence is made concrete through the work of the Custody." Monica


"Thank you and we send our best wishes in return. That the Infant Jesus might  bring back the peace we so much hope for." Sr. Rosanna, Franciscan Missionaries, Bethlehem Community


"Thank you for all you have done for Rhodes." (Grazie per tutto ciò che avete fatto per Rodi). Fr Luke ofm


"We visited one of the most interesting sites thank to Prof. Carla Benelli. We hope there will be more attention towards Sebastiya and Samaria”". Holy Land pilgrims


"The Holy Land is in my heart and for now I offer my prayers. With love".  Sr. Petronila


"Peace and goodness  to you all.  I have already subscribed to your newsletter and I would like to know how I can make a donation. A big “hello” and a hug to father Claudio Bottini and a very big hug to Father Pizzaballa and an immense  one to our Infant Jesus. Regards from Lanciano". Mario


"Thank you for what you do for us (Church). Warmest regards". Vincenzo.


"We Christians are one big family. God Bless and  lead you with His Love & anointing."

(Noi cristiani siamo una sola grande famiglia. Dio vi benedica e vi guidi con il Suo amore & la Sua benedizione". David


"A little prayer in return for your Christmas wishes". Fr. Paolino

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