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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 57
The Old City of Jerusalem: an important intervention is underway thanks to the generous donations from a parish
14 October 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
The Old City of Jerusalem: an important intervention is underway thanks to the generous donations from a parish
All the rooms of the apartment of a Christian family in the Holy City of Jerusalem are located below the level of the street and are in fact underground. The only possibility for ventilation is thus through the small inner courtyard which, however, is also located below street level. The result? The inside rooms are […]
Telling the Story of the Holy Land: the donation of a precious object to the Archaeological Museum
13 October 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Telling the Story of the Holy Land: the donation of a precious object to the Archaeological Museum
On 10 October a precious object was donated to the Archaeological Museum of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum. It is an ancient stone die from Jerusalem used for the production of eulogias, displaying on each side Biblical scenes whose protagonists are the patriarch Abraham and the prophet Daniel. The eulogias were small flasks made of metal […]
Emergency in Egypt: the exodus of the Christian communities continues
12 October 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Emergency in Egypt: the exodus of the Christian communities continues
At this critical juncture of the political and economic situation in Egypt, the exodus of Christians continues unabated. According to Msgr. Antonios Aziz Mina, Bishop of Giza, interviewed on Radio Vatican, “There are a number of explanations for this phenomenon, but the most important reason is insecurity:  after the revolution no one knows what to […]
The healing power of a smile for Bethlehem’s elderly
10 October 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
The healing power of a smile for Bethlehem’s elderly
A group of clowns are on a mission to bring smiles to the faces of the elderly population near Bethlehem’s Antonian Society.  Armed with their singing voices, tambourines, bright colours and red noses, the clown therapy group from Bethlehem’s Caritas Baby Hospital truly livened up the afternoon at a local old peoples home. Following a […]
Disability in Bethlehem: a nature trip for a group of deaf youngsters from the Ephpheta Institute
07 October 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Disability in Bethlehem: a nature trip for a group of deaf youngsters from the Ephpheta Institute
A nature trip, an immersion in the mystery of beauty: this was the experience lived by a group of disabled youngsters from the Ephpheta Institute in Bethlehem during a workshop held by the friends of the Brama association – engineers, architects and cameramen who share the passion to communicate what they most love about their […]
Pro Terra Sancta website in Arabic
06 October 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Pro Terra Sancta website in Arabic
As of today, the Arabic version of Pro Terra Sancta’s website is available online.  This site has been launched in order to involve and bring together the Holy land’s Christian population, the living stones and beneficiaries of ATS pro Terra Sancta’s and the Guardian of the Holy Land’s projects. The website for ATS pro Terra […]
Music in the Holy City: a new series of organ concerts in Jerusalem, organized by the Magnificat Institute
05 October 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Music in the Holy City: a new series of organ concerts in Jerusalem, organized by the Magnificat Institute
We remind all music lovers and friends of the Magnificat Institute of Jerusalem, the music school of the Custody of the Holy Land whose activities have been supported for a number of years by ATS pro Terra Sancta, that tomorrow evening 6 October begins the annual series of “Organ Concerts” organized by the Magnificat Institute […]
A concert in Milan to celebrate the musical opus “Via Crucis – De Profundis”
03 October 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
A concert in Milan to celebrate the musical opus “Via Crucis – De Profundis”
This evening, Friday 30 September, a concert of sacred music will take place in Milan and will include an extract from the cantata “De Profundis” composed by Father Armando Pierucci, musician, composer and director of the Magnificat Institute of Jerusalem, which is supported by ATS pro Terra Sancta. The event is being organized by the […]
Bethlehem confronts illiteracy: after-school lessons for a number of students through the help of ATS pro Terra Sancta
29 September 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem confronts illiteracy: after-school lessons for a number of students through the help of ATS pro Terra Sancta
Still today in 2011 Bethlehem has to deal with the problem of illiteracy. Sister Femia, director of the Terra Santa Girls School “Sisters of St. Joseph” has communicated to ATS pro Terra Sancta her preoccupation in dealing with a number of students whose parents, being illiterate, are unable to aid them with their homework. At […]
Way of the Cross donated to the Custody of the Holy Land: great success for the inauguration
28 September 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Way of the Cross donated to the Custody of the Holy Land: great success for the inauguration
On September 21st took place the inaugural ceremony of the Way of the Cross, donated to the Custody of the Holy Land by various painters, coordinated by the artist Giovanni Cremonese in collaboration with the Commissariat of the Holy Land in Treviso, Italy. The group, made up of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre on pilgrimage […]
Bethlehem and the elderly women of the Holy Land: a very special birthday
28 September 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem and the elderly women of the Holy Land: a very special birthday
Anna, a volunteer in Bethlehem for ATS pro Terra Sancta, recounts for us her birthday party, which she decided to celebrate together with the elderly women of the Antonian Charitable Society, a rest home for the elderly where she is offering her services. “The 24th of September 2011 was not only my birthday, but also […]
The role and importance of volunteers for ATS pro Terra Sancta
27 September 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
The role and importance of volunteers for ATS pro Terra Sancta
The work of ATS pro Terra Sancta is carried out by a small nucleus of collaborators and a much larger number of volunteers, who make themselves available to assist ATS pro Terra Sancta in various manners, both locally and above all at a distance. One example is our translators, who offer their valuable assistance from […]
Way of the Cross gifted to the Custody of the Holy Land
26 September 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Way of the Cross gifted to the Custody of the Holy Land
A gift of fourteen works of art has been offered to the Custody of the Holy Land by various Italian artists, with the collaboration of the Commissariat of the Holy Land in the Veneto region. They will be unveiled on September 21st in Jerusalem during the pilgrimage of groups from Treviso-Martellago to the Holy Land. […]
A series of concerts organized by the Magnificat
22 September 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
A series of concerts organized by the Magnificat
Each Tuesday in October beginning the 6th, the annual series of “Organ Concerts”  organized by the Magnificat will be presented in St. Saviour’s Church in Jerusalem. The Magnificat is the musical institute of the Custody of the Holy Land that is supported by ATS pro Terra Sancta through its project “Magnificat: music in the Holy […]
Great success for the inauguration of the exhibition “Mosaics of the Holy Land” in Mazara del Vallo
21 September 2011
by Giacomo Pizzi
Great success for the inauguration of the exhibition “Mosaics of the Holy Land” in Mazara del Vallo
A big success for the Italian national preview of the exhibition “Mosaics of the Holy Land – a bridge of tesserae across the Mediterranean”, which was inaugurated on Saturday in Mazara del Vallo as part of the fourth edition of the “Sponde” Conference. Presenting the exhibition, before an audience of several hundred people, was the […]
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