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A large number of visitors for the exhibition on Sabastiya in Crespellano, which continues until 30 September

26 September 2012
Pro Terra Sancta
A large number of visitors for the exhibition on Sabastiya in Crespellano, which continues until 30 September
A large number of visitors for the exhibition on Sabastiya in Crespellano, which continues until 30 September
A marked success for the small town of Crespellano (Italy), where this past Saturday the exhibition “Sabastiya, the Fruits of History and the Memory of John the Baptist” was inaugurated in the fifteenth century Church of San Rocco (on Via Marconi), with the church initially being illuminated entirely by candlelight. Officiating at the inauguration and presenting the exhibition, which was produced by ATS pro Terra Sancta, was Father Bruno Bartolini, the Commissioner of the Holy Land for the Emilia-Romagna region, along with the parish priest and the town’s deputy mayor. Those present displayed great interest and, thanks to the presentation of Father Bartolini, were able to learn about the joint actions carried out by the Custody of the Holy Land and ATS pro Terra Sancta in Sabastiya, and to appreciate the work that has been done to support the historical and cultural heritage, as well as the local population, of this small Palestinian village that has such a distinguished past. The exhibition remains open to visitors and supporters of the Holy Land until 30 September, at the following hours: Monday to Friday, 16.30 – 19.30; Saturday and Sunday, 9.30 – 12.30 and 16.30 – 22.30. For further information on the exhibition on Sabastiya:


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