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From the children of Zielonka in Poland, to the children of Syria: a story of solidarity

10 July 2014
Pro Terra Sancta
From the children of Zielonka in Poland, to the children of Syria: a story of solidarity
From the children of Zielonka in Poland, to the children of Syria: a story of solidarity

The initiative 'From the children of Zielonka, to the children of Syria' has just ended in the primary schools of Zielonka, close to Varsavia (Poland). The aim of the initiative, which took place during Lent, was for the pupils to express their closeness to the Syrian children who are currently suffering enormously due to the war.

As a sign of solidarity, the children of Zielonka prayed throughout Lent for peace in Syria: they prayed the rosary every day, saving money for the Syrian children by giving up sweets and desserts, and raising money by selling biscuits and hand-made decorations during their breaks. Every Friday, they collected the small contributions made by the students in large, specially made money boxes.

The children raised money not only at school, but also in Zielonka's Parish of the Madonna of Częstochowa. These contributions, through the Association pro Terra Sancta, have now been passed onto the Franciscans in Syria, and in turn, onto the Syrian children.

One of the teachers who organised the initiative, Ms. Danuta, says: 'The students of Zielonka have taken on this initiative with joy, and, through sharing what they have with their Syrian counterparts, they have been able to grow in love. The heads of the primary schools, the Parish, parents and  teachers have also supported the activity, accompanying the children through assistance, and becoming in turn great examples of solidarity and love. Even if the children's offering is just a drop in the ocean compared with the needs of the Syrian children, what matters is that it's an extra drop in the ocean of fraternal love.'

To find out what's happening in Syria, and more importantly, what can be done to help those suffering because of the war, click here.

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