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Emergency education in the Palestinian Territories: the workshop organized in Bethlehem by AVSI and ATS pro Terra Sancta closes on a positive note

21 July 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
Emergency education in the Palestinian Territories: the workshop organized in Bethlehem by AVSI and ATS pro Terra Sancta closes on a positive note
Emergency education in the Palestinian Territories: the workshop organized in Bethlehem by AVSI and ATS pro Terra Sancta closes on a positive note
The two-day workshop organized by AVSI and ATS pro Terra Sancta, as part of the project “Supporting emergency education in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories” financed by Italian Development Cooperation, has concluded with an enthusiastic response from the participants. The workshop, which opened with an address given by Father Custos Pierbattista Pizzaballa, involved teachers and institutions active in the education sector, with the aim of identifying together objectives for the coming years. Thanks to the involvement and support of the participants and the interventions of the experts from AVSI, a number of different problems regarding the educational situation in the Palestinian Territories were discussed and analyzed. These problems provide opportunities for intervention, beginning in the classrooms and with the teachers themselves, who are the first in line in terms of carrying out educational projects. For this reason it is appropriate that teachers should indicate the route to be followed in the coming years to address the needs and requirements that they foresee. What is envisioned is a real and effective collaboration, in order to define and carry out together forthcoming projects in support of emergency education in the country.   ATS pro Terra Sancta and AVSI have been working together in order to increase and improve educational opportunities, fostering both the cultural growth of the young, educators and families and a dialogue between cultures. For the next three years important activities will be carried out in the schools of the Custody of the Holy Land in the Palestinian Territories as part of the project “Supporting emergency education in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories” financed by Italian Development Cooperation.   [nggallery id=82]
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