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Emergency education in the Palestinian Territories: the involvement of ATS and AVSI continues with new meetings

18 July 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
Emergency education in the Palestinian Territories: the involvement of ATS and AVSI continues with new meetings
Emergency education in the Palestinian Territories: the involvement of ATS and AVSI continues with new meetings
A new meeting has been scheduled at the Ephpheta Institute in Bethlehem for the 19th and 20th of July, on the theme of education in the Palestinian Territories. After the success of the initiative dedicated to “training the trainers” in the field of disability, ATS pro Terra Sancta and AVSI, the lead manager for the project “Supporting emergency education in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories” which is financed by Italian Development Cooperation, are offering a two-day workshop dedicated to the theme of education and aimed at teachers and institutions, with the goal of drafting a program of initiatives and interventions to be carried out in the coming years. The workshop will directly involve schools and teachers, who will offer their experiences and proposals in order to help identify future needs and priorities. International experts will also participate, along with the Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, who will be present for the first day of the workshop.   Since the second half of the 16th century the Franciscans have been active in the field of education, establishing the very first schools in the Holy Land. Today the Custody of the Holy Land is in charge of numerous schools throughout the Palestinian territories, which serve to increase the educational opportunities available to young people, without regard to gender, ethnic origin or religion.  
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