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Completion of the course for parents organized by ATS pro Terra Sancta in Bethlehem: new classes to begin in January

06 December 2010
Pro Terra Sancta
Completion of the course for parents organized by ATS pro Terra Sancta in Bethlehem: new classes to begin in January
Completion of the course for parents organized by ATS pro Terra Sancta in Bethlehem:   new classes to begin in January
Betlemme schoolThe course for parents organized for parents as part of the ATS pro Terra Sancta project "Education and training to aid children in difficulty in Bethlehem and their families" has just ended with a resounding success. The project was financed by the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI). As a result of the course's large enrollment and its successful outcome, a further series of classes with parents will be offered next semester. The project, which has seen the implementation of activities focusing on children and adolescents, families and teachers as well as professionals and young leaders, was developed to promote personal growth and social reintegration of children and adolescents living in difficult situations. Central to this initiative has been a meaningful dialogue among young people, the school and the family, and an emphasis on informing the young on the role of volunteer work and youth leadership, in order to foster a gradual and controlled growth of children having family problems, while aiding them to better define their own identity at this very delicate stage of their development. Among the activities carried out in Bethlehem particular attention has been given to the role of the family, and the support that can be provided to help it to overcome difficulties and to facilitate the reintegration of children. In particular, activities concerning families, and at the same time teachers in difficulty, have focused on enhancing the role of social workers in the Bethlehem schools, and on financing small-scale training workshops, both in schools and in parishes.


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