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Christmas campaign for Bethlehem

06 November 2014
Pro Terra Sancta
Christmas campaign for Bethlehem
Christmas campaign for Bethlehem
The Christmas campaign for Bethlehem kicks off: Association pro Terra Sancta needs your help to assist the children and the poorest of the town where Jesus was born.

OBJECTIVE FOR CHRISTMAS 2014: €225,000 to help 350 Palestinian families and 2000 children of Bethlehem

Child Jesus was born in a grotto in Bethlehem 2000 years ago. Today that place is marked by a silver star located in the Church of the Nativity, and is visited by over 2 million people every year. In addition to preserving the basilica and welcoming the huge number of pilgrims, the Franciscan friars devote themselves every day to the children and youth of Bethlehem. They are especially committed to the ones who face poverty and hardship.

What is needed to improve the situation of poverty of Bethlehem?

The people of Bethlehem, a Palestinian town, are enclosed by a wall that isolates them and exacerbates their difficult living conditions: in this context social unrest increases and the first to suffer are the children. For this reason the educational and social activities of the Franciscan friars of the Custody of the Holy Land are absolutely essential: in well-organized schools children receive not only an education but also all the care they require. Orphans and youngsters with disabilities are  helped in special ways, as well as disadvantaged families and elderly people. In the Palestinian Territories there is no form whatsoever of public medical care. Families have to rely entirely on their own resources to pay for medical care. Often they are notable to afford it - particularly in cases of chronic illnesses or urgent care. For this reason Association pro Terra Sancta  launches a campaign to help the most fragile living stones of Bethlehem. We do it in this period of the year becauseit is when thewhole world looks to the grottowhere the Child Jesus was born. To achieve the objective of collecting 225.000 euro, we rely on your help! Some examples of how you can help: 10 euros: Weekly school transport for a child 30 euros: Purchase of winter clothing for a child 50 euros: Monthly milk requirements for a child 80 euros: Monthly electricity and water expenses for a family 100 euros: Monthly medical expenses for 3 chronicallyill people 600 euros: Installation of 2 water tanks (1,000 liters each) for two poor families 1.800 euros: Monthly support of the meals of poor and elderly people With your contribution you become part of the community that supports the Franciscans of the Holy Land. You offer practical helpto the people of Bethlehem along with the hope of a better and more just tomorrow in the whole Land of God. Thank you for your donation – even the smallest contribution will make a difference
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