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Bethlehem confronts illiteracy: after-school lessons for a number of students through the help of ATS pro Terra Sancta

29 September 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
Bethlehem confronts illiteracy: after-school lessons for a number of students through the help of ATS pro Terra Sancta
Bethlehem confronts illiteracy: after-school lessons for a number of students through the help of ATS pro Terra Sancta
Still today in 2011 Bethlehem has to deal with the problem of illiteracy.

Sister Femia, director of the Terra Santa Girls School “Sisters of St. Joseph” has communicated to ATS pro Terra Sancta her preoccupation in dealing with a number of students whose parents, being illiterate, are unable to aid them with their homework.

At the elementary school managed by the sisters there are a significant number of children who need support, and in any event need to be followed closely during their first years of school. Responding to this need, ATS pro Terra Sancta has organized after-school courses for the students with greatest needs, courses that are being promoted as part of the project “Supporting emergency education in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories” financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE 9226/AVSI/TOC) in collaboration with the AVSI Foundation. As a result of their afternoon lessons, the 42 children benefiting from the course, who range in age from 7 to 10, will be able to improve their academic performance. The remedial lessons involve mathematics, English and Arabic.
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