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A computer course to bring mothers and children closer together

12 September 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
A computer course to bring mothers and children closer together
A computer course to bring mothers and children closer together
Thirty mothers of students at the Terra Santa Girls School, Sisters of St. Joseph of Bethlehem yesterday received certificates of participation for the computer course entitled Information technology, parents and children: building a dialogue. The series of lessons was supported by ATS pro Terra Sancta as part of the project “Supporting emergency education in the Palestinian Autonomous Territories” financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE 9226/AVSI/TOC) in collaboration with the AVSI Foundation. The course was promoted by the St. Joseph School with the aim of teaching mothers how to use computers and the Internet, thereby allowing them to become more familiar with the world of the Internet and to better understand the way in which this is used by their children. The mothers participated with great enthusiasm: the most striking result was witnessing the change in their relationship with their children, who were both surprised and happy to see in their own mothers a friend with whom they can now share these new common realities. ATS pro Terra Sancta continues to support courses that help families and their children in Bethlehem, in collaboration with the Terra Santa School. Also to be carried out: courses of remedial instruction and of education regarding the correct posture to be maintained while at school, and seminars on the relationship between parents and children.
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