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“Mosaics of Holy Land” coming soon at Milano’s Exposition

12 December 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
“Mosaics of Holy Land” coming soon at Milano’s Exposition
“Mosaics of Holy Land” coming soon at Milano’s Exposition

The exposition about the Holy Land's Mosaics will have a new stage after the exposition in Mazara del Vallo in Milano at the “Sala Pirelli” in the Regional Council of Lombardia, via Fabio Filzi 22, between the 6th and the 16th of December.

About the exposition

The exposition “The Holy Land Mosaics. A bridge of peace across the Mediterranean” reveals the historic and cultural value that the art of mosaics had and continues having in The Holy Land. As a fundamental element of Palestine’s historic and artistic heritage, the mosaic is proof of the co-exisinvitation expositiiontence of the different realities – historic, artistic and cultural - which follow each other and which partially continue living together on this earth.

Through the fine reproduction of work done by eight artist, two European and six Palestinian, who used old fashioned techniques and materials, it will be possible to admire a few of the most precious mosaics of Palestine coming from different places such as: churches, Mezquits, Palaces, houses, etc. They also belong to a variety of different historic periods.

The work was carried out by ATS pro Terra Santa and by the Mosaic Center of Jericho with the support of the European Union and the patronage of the Lombardia Region.

It will be open from the 6th of December between 14:30 and 19:00 and, after that, every day until the 16th of December between 10:30 and 19:00.

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