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Studium Biblicum Franciscanum

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Studium Biblicum Franciscanum
Studium Biblicum Franciscanum

Your support for the students of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum

Help us to support the students of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum: let us maintain the bond that unites the Churches with the Mother Church of Jerusalem!


Studium Biblicum Franciscanum

To preserve the historical, cultural and religious heritage of the Holy Land and promote well-being, reconciliation and peace among local populations

Studium Biblicum Franciscanum

Our goals

There are now many generations of students who have trained at SBF, bringing to their countries what they have learned in our classrooms. It is for this reason that we see in our students the “living stones” that will go on the streets of the world to teach, deepen and spread the “Living Word” of the Holy Scriptures.

  • Education
  • Training
  • Preservation
  • Research and Development

"For me it is a huge privilege to study in the Holy Land because it allows me to study the Sacred Scripture and at the same time to meet it in its historicity. This is a value that I will carry with me in my mission in the world. For this I thank the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum for giving me this opportunity and all of you for your support."


The thoughts of Father Rosario Pierri

Director of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum

"Everything happens for a reason. Already in the past centuries, it can be said since the foundation of the custody of the Holy Land, the Franciscans had taken care to collect traditions concerning the Holy Land. (...) Among the many activities promoted by the CTS plays, without a doubt, a central role that carried out by the SBF as a center of studies and teaching."

The intuition dates back to 1901, when the Custos of the Holy Land at the time, father Frediano Giannini, conceived and proposed the creation of a study center intended to reconstruct the history of the holy places. Everything happens for a reason. Already in the past centuries, it can be said since the foundation of the custody of the Holy Land, the Franciscans had taken care to collect traditions concerning the Holy Land. Just the names of Giovanni Di Fedanzola from Perugia, Niccolo from Poggibonsi, Bernardino Amico and Francesco Quaresmi. When it was founded on January 7, 1924, the SBF was based, therefore, on a qualified tradition of studies, whose value has gradually established itself over time in the academic field.

Among the many activities promoted by the CTS, the one carried out by the SBF as a center of studies and teaching plays, without a doubt, a central role. It is only thanks to the financial support of the CTS, and therefore of the benefactors around the world, that the SBF is able to respond to the commitments for which it was conceived.

Our institute not only promotes archaeological, philological, exegetical and theological research, but welcomes students from different countries. The SBF, in fact, is the Faculty of Biblical Sciences and Archaeology of the Pontifical Antonianum University (Rome) and issues Licentiate and doctoral degrees.

The SBF is remembered above all the excavations, the museum and what is connected to them; its teaching mission is often silent, which is no less important than all the other activities promoted by the CTS. Now there are many generations of students who have trained in SBF, bringing to their countries what they have learned in our classrooms. In this regard, we cannot fail to recall, with deep gratitude, how many of our predecessors carried out with commendable dedication their Magisterium as professors at the SBF. It is a service done to the church, to many churches, which often do not have the opportunity to support their students in their studies. The CTS, supported by the generosity of benefactors, goes to meet them by offering students hospitality at a modest price and in many cases completely free of charge. For us Friars it is a way of sharing our knowledge and of giving back what we receive.

By promoting Biblical Studies in the Holy Land, the SBF contributes, to some extent, to maintaining the bond that unites the other churches with the Mother Church of Jerusalem.

It is for this series of reasons that we at SBF see in our students the “living stones” that will go on the streets of the world to teach, deepen and spread the “Living Word” of the Holy Scriptures.

Fra Rosario Pierri Director Studium Biblicum Franciscanum-Jerusalem

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of the Studium Biblicum Franciscanum

Help us to support the projects carried out by the Franciscans in order to preserve the historical, cultural and religious heritage of the Holy Land and promote well-being, reconciliation and peace among local populations.




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Studium Biblicum Franciscanum
Israel and Palestine
Conservation and development
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