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Israel Palestine war: in support of the neediest in war

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Pro Terra Sancta
Israel Palestine war: in support of the neediest in war
Israel Palestine war: in support of the neediest in war


In war alongside the most fragile

The tragic attack perpetrated by Hamas on Saturday, October 7, is an unprecedented event that has shocked everyone.

We are very concerned by the spiral of violence and terror that this event has unleashed as it has caused and will cause more and more civilian casualties. In forcefully reaffirming our commitment to peace, we are preparing to offer all possible concrete help to the most fragile and needy victims of this situation.

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"Ask for peace for Jerusalem:
peace be to those who love you,
Peace be upon your walls,
security in your bulwarks.
For my brothers and friends
I will say: 'Peace be upon you!'
Through the house of the Lord our God,
I will ask for the good for you."

Psalm 122

Appeal for Peace from Jerusaelm

"Jesus as a real presence that touches, that changes our lives: for this we must pray. Prayer does not allow the heart to be polluted by hatred. Then, of course, we must work from the point of view of humanitarian support through the associations. Right now we are all a bit paralyzed, but there will come a time when there will be a need for this, we must be ready and prepared"

Card. Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

The appeal of the director of Pro Terra Sancta, Tommaso Saltini

"Dear friends,

As head of Pro Terra Sancta, an organization engaged for many years in Israel and Palestine, I feel strongly challenged in the face of the events of these days. For years we have been engaged in various initiatives to support the Christian community of Gaza at the service of a population tried by decades of conflict, and the violence of these days frightens us, pains us, calls us into question.

We are against all violence and – as long as we are powerless in the face of it – we would like to stop it at all costs, because we love life and every human being, who is infinitely precious.

By virtue of this, as Association pro Terra Sancta, together with all the friends and collaborators involved, we ask all the parties involved – internal and external to the conflict – to promote opportunities for meeting and work to imagine new and creative solutions that bring development and peace for all.

We want a long-term political initiative to finally be implemented that gives space, life and freedom to all. This dramatic situation demands, invokes and demands new ideas, lasting political proposals that can make everyone live in peace and prosperity.

Let us invoke the Lord of heaven and earth so that He may embrace in His glory all the victims of conflict, bring peace to those who suffer, help us to forgive those who do evil."

Tommaso Saltini direttore generale Pro Terra Sancta

Tommaso Saltini

General Manager Pro Terra Sancta


Next to the weakest

For years, Associazione Pro Terra Sancta has been carrying out numerous projects to assist the weakest sections of the population in Israel and Palestine. In Gaza we carry out assistance activities to the small Christian community and support the care for butterfly children, suffering from epidermolysis bullosa.

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*Gift Aid allows us to reclaim tax on donations you have made to Pro Terra Sancta. That means for every donation you have donated, the government will give us an extra 25% at no extra cost to you.

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Israel Palestine war: in support of the neediest in war
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