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Bethlehem: a course to aid mothers in their relationship with their teenage daughters

14 May 2012
Pro Terra Sancta
Bethlehem: a course to aid mothers in their relationship with their teenage daughters
Bethlehem: a course to aid mothers in their relationship with their teenage daughters
On Tuesday 8 May ended the project "Developing Personal Leadership" dedicated to the mothers of the female students of the St. Joseph School, the school of the Custody of the Holy Land in Bethlehem. The training course involved 48 mothers and was guided with the collaboration of the Bethlehem University. Primary aim of the course was to support and strengthen the role of the mother figure inside the family contest, with particular care for the relation dynamics with teenage daughters. The educational project, promoted by ATS pro Terra Sancta inside the project MAE 9226/AVSI/TOC in collaboration with Fondazione AVSI, has come to its second year of activity of the three scheduled. The general aim of the project is to answer to the educational emergency in the schools of the Palestinian Authority, offering children, teenagers and their families the opportunity of a cultural and human growth in a social environment often troublesome.
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