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A memory that lasts forever in the Holy Land

A memory that lasts forever in the Holy Land

Pro Terra Sancta
A memory that lasts forever in the Holy Land

Tie your loved one's name to the places where Jesus lived forever.

Write your loved one's name into the history of the Holy Land with a memorial donation, and you will contribute to the preservation and enhancement of the Holy Land sites, witnesses to a history that belongs to the whole world!

How to make a donation in memory of a loved one

The donation can be made online, via bank transfer or postal order, following the instructions you can find by clicking the button below. If you donate via bank transfer or postal order, remember to specify the name of the person you wish to commemorate and the physical address where we can send our thank you letter.

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For more information or to receive informational material, contact us at or call us at 02 6572453, asking for Laura.
Your name and your loved one's name forever in the Benefactors’ Book of the Holy Land With a memorial donation, even the smallest one, you will receive a letter from the Holy Land, and your name and that of your loved one will be written in the Benefactors’ Book, kept in the Historical Archive in Jerusalem, which has safeguarded the documents of the Custody of the Holy Land for 800 years. You can also request a digital copy of the page with your loved one’s name as a keepsake.
Baruch 5:1
"O Jerusalem, lay aside the garment of mourning and affliction; clothe yourself with the splendor of glory that comes to you from God forever."
Baruch 5:5
"Rise up, O Jerusalem, stand upon the heights, and look toward the east; see your children gathered from west and east at the word of the Holy One, rejoicing in the remembrance of God."
Zachariah 7:8
"Behold, I save my people from east and west: I will bring them back to dwell in Jerusalem; they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in faithfulness and righteousness."
Isaiah 4:9
"The light has come for you, O Jerusalem; upon you the glory of the Lord has arisen: in your light nations will walk, alleluia."
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Tie your loved one's name to the places where Jesus lived
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