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Let’s speak Italian in Jericho. A way to meet and share cultures

25 January 2016
Pro Terra Sancta
Let’s speak Italian in Jericho. A way to meet and share cultures
Let’s speak Italian in Jericho. A way to meet and share cultures
Monday 4 June in Jericho, at the local library, an Italian course for local youths began. The initiative arose from a request of Osama Hamdam, Director of the Mosaic Centre Jericho. According to the architect, who is also a professor at the University of Jerusalem and in charge of Preservation and Development projects for Association pro Terra Sancta, “The Italian language is an essential tool for those who those working in the field of art in this land so rich in beauty”. The city of Jericho also wanted to get involved in the project and opened the course to all residents. Numerous people have enrolled, including members of the Mosaic Centre, staff from the Terra Sancta School, workers in the tourism sector and university students, 15 in all. The first day of the course was marked by the inaugural ceremony, featuring Osama Hamdam, Salem Asal, representing the city of Jericho, Tommaso Saltini, Director of Association pro Terra Sancta, Enas Faisal Abdullah Nakhal, member of the Tourism Committee of the Governate of Jericho (who has decided to attend the Italian course himself) and the teacher who is giving the course, Marta Ferrari. The desire of both those who organized the course and those participating in it is to share the richness of the two cultures through the study of the Italian language. An opportunity for all, who in this manner can meet and get to know each other up close.
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