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Pro Terra Sancta
News Page 14
Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem: home for all Christians
22 January 2021
by Giacomo Pizzi
Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem: home for all Christians
At the end of the week of prayer for Christian unity, we talk about the Holy Sepulcher of Jerusalem, home of all the Christians of the world who, despite the difficulties, live together in such an important place for Christianity.
Beirut: the neverending crisis and our aid
18 January 2021
by Giacomo Pizzi
Beirut: the neverending crisis and our aid
Updates from Beirut where we continue with the initiatives set up to support the local population affected by the explosion of August and the difficult economic and health situation of the country.
Christmas in Bethlehem. A chat with Jesus
26 December 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Christmas in Bethlehem. A chat with Jesus
It is night in Bethlehem.  Silence envelops us, an unusual silence for a city that, especially at Christmas time, is full of life and people. A light stands out in the sky of Bethlehem. It is not a star brighter than the others, but Jupiter and Saturn aligned to form a single bright star. This […]
Bethlehem: new covid area in the Antonian Society
18 December 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem: new covid area in the Antonian Society
A new covid-19 area has been created with support of Pro Terra Sancta to make up to the lack of facilities to welcome the sick in Bethlehem!
Galilee. Our journey to the empty sanctuaries
17 December 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Galilee. Our journey to the empty sanctuaries
Pro Terra Sancta volunteers, after the reopening of sanctuaries after lockdown, went to Galilee for a three-day training course. Here is what they found out
Bethlehem: Help for families to pay for childbirth. 18 children born.
11 December 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem: Help for families to pay for childbirth. 18 children born.
Childbirth costs too high for some families in difficulty. At Christmas, Pro Terra Sancta’s focus is on families and children. For the Christian families of Bethlehem, a new birth has always been a source of great joy.  A gift to celebrate and be thankful for. The Coronavirus threatens to ruin this special moment for so […]
Letter by Fr. Bahjat from Damascus
04 December 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Letter by Fr. Bahjat from Damascus
Dear friends, in this period, we are experiencing dramatic times throughout Syria, because the consequences of the embargo weigh more and more on the entire population and force us to make enormous efforts. Inflation has reached the point that the costs are unsustainable for families. Prices have risen and salaries have fallen. Before the war, […]
Bethlehem: the House of the Wise Men a place where cultures meet.
20 November 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem: the House of the Wise Men a place where cultures meet.
What the city of Bethlehem is about to experience will be a particularly difficult Christmas. The lack of the many pilgrims and visitors, who especially at this time of year visited the city of Jesus, is doing a great deal of harm to the families of Bethlehem. The city is beginning to add decorations, lights […]
Bethlehem, Dar Al Majus Community Home, the house of the Wise Men: renovation works are underway
13 November 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethlehem, Dar Al Majus Community Home, the house of the Wise Men: renovation works are underway
Despite the difficulties of the period we are facing, Pro Terra Sancta is carrying out the dream of the Dar Al Majus Community Home. The project has been assigned to a group of young Palestinian architects, and it is for the young people and the local community with the aim to be a meeting and […]
Greetings from the Custos, Father Francesco Patton, president of the Association pro Terra Sancta
06 November 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Greetings from the Custos, Father Francesco Patton, president of the Association pro Terra Sancta
These are the words of the President of the Pro Terra Sancta Association, Francesco Patton (Custos of the Holy Land) at the conclusion of the annual assembly of the association which took place last 29 October in Jerusalem. 2020 was certainly a special year that saw Pro Terra Sancta committed to tackling the crisis caused […]
The tombs of the Mount of Olives. A burial tradition that unites Jews, Christians and Muslims.
30 October 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
The tombs of the Mount of Olives. A burial tradition that unites Jews, Christians and Muslims.
There is a place in Jerusalem where the spirituality and faith of the three Abrahamic religions meet and compare peacefully. A Jewish, Christian and Muslim cemetery has been located between the slopes of the Cedron Valley and the Mount of Olives since ancient times.   The Jewish cemetery certainly arouses wonder and amazement in the […]
Bethany: Women’s solidarity and spikenard scented candles
23 October 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Bethany: Women’s solidarity and spikenard scented candles
 We are greeted with an apron with pink flamingos by the women of the Al Hana centre in Bethany. They wear this playful uniform during their candle-making meetings. The women of the Bethany centre are Palestinian women who come together every week to create, talk and support each other. When the Mosaic Centre and the […]
Our trip to Beirut: “the city is devastated, our help is fundamental to star over again”
16 October 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
Our trip to Beirut: “the city is devastated, our help is fundamental to star over again”
A city destroyed, a city on its knees. We are in Beriut. Rubble on both sides of the road along the harbour streets. The director of Pro Terra Sancta Tommaso Saltini and Giacomo Gentile, responsible for the projects in Lebanon and Syria, led by Father Firas Lufti, walk along some streets of the Christian quarter […]
#ProLebanon. Fr. Firas Lutfi: “We have to help as much as possible before winter comes”
09 October 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
#ProLebanon. Fr. Firas Lutfi: “We have to help as much as possible before winter comes”
After the summer break, the virtual meetings promoted by Pro Terra Sancta (PTS) are back. This time we started from Lebanon. The spotlight should not be turned off on the tragedy that has dramatically struck Beirut and made the economic and social crisis in which the whole country found itself even more bitter. Considered one […]
With St. Francis, at the origin of the mission in the Holy Land
04 October 2020
by Giacomo Pizzi
With St. Francis, at the origin of the mission in the Holy Land
On the occasion of the feast of St. Francis on October 4, we share this beautiful text by St. Bonaventura which tells about the meeting between St. Francis and the Sultan Malik al Kamil. As is well known, St. Francis himself had left for the Holy Land, wanting to meet the sultan. This meeting remains […]
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