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The mosaics in Gethsemane seen from up close

28 September 2012
Pro Terra Sancta
The mosaics in Gethsemane seen from up close
The mosaics in Gethsemane seen from up close

The works to clean and restore the splendid mosaics in the Church of Gethsemane are continuing, supported by the Italian Consulate General in Jerusalem. Following the works carried out on the first two domes in the left aisle, efforts are now focused on the mosaics in the third dome. Each day the five youths involved in the training course, along with their teachers, climb up the mobile scaffolding to reach the high mosaic domes in order to carry out the cleaning and restoration of the damaged parts. In the photo gallery below can be seen details of the mosaics in this dome which, like the others, offers nature motifs: flowers, birds, plants and fruits, alongside the coats of arms of the Custody of the Holy Land, the Commissariats of the Holy Land and the different countries that contributed to the construction of the church.

Next week a new phase of the project "Gethsemane: preserve the past and train the future" will begin which will see the involvement of local schools by means of guided tours of Gethsemane as well as mosaic art appreciation activities for the children and young people of Jerusalem.


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