The grave of John the Baptist is traditionally located in Sebastia, a Palestinian community under Israeli rule since 1967. Since 2008, Pro Terra Sancta has been working in the center to preserve the artistic and cultural memory of the Baptist's life.The Association also operates in Nisf Jubeil, a small town near Sebastia with a population of a few hundred people.Pro Terra Sancta promotes employment and growth for the local population at both locations. Palestinian workers are involved in the restoration works and jobs are offered to those who have found themselves in extremely precarious situations, such as young people, women, the unemployed, boys and girls with disabilities. Local labour is also involved in building restoration projects as well as the creation of traditional products and goods such as ceramics, soap, oil, jams, and so on.Pro Terra Sancta funds and provides training courses for local residents in order to promote tourism and so enhance the area's cultural and naturalistic heritage. As a result, Sebastia and Nisf Jubeil opened two Mosaic Guesthouses in 2009 and 2016, respectively.
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