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Palestine/Jericho – Preserving the future, educating to beauty

Israel and Palestine
Conservation and development
Pro Terra Sancta
Palestine/Jericho – Preserving the future, educating to beauty
Palestine/Jericho – Preserving the future, educating to beauty
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and professional training

Pro Terra Sancta in Jericho inherits the civil commitment from the Franciscan Custody, particularly the need to support young people through educational and training projects. To this end, the Association supports the city's mosaic school, the Mosaic Centre, founded by Father Michele Piccirillo.

Jericho, a Palestinian city near the Jordan River, is remembered in the Gospels as the place where Jesus met Zacchaeus. For centuries, the Franciscans have been active here, supporting the most needy families, providing both material and spiritual assistance to those in need.

The Mosaic Centre is a non-profit organization supported by Pro Terra Sancta, dedicated to the promotion and preservation of Palestinian cultural heritage. The tradition of mosaic art has deep roots in the history of Palestine, and this project aims to preserve and enhance it. The objective is to train new young artisans who can contribute to the conservation of local artistic heritage and create new works of art, continuing to make Palestine a land that creates and promotes beauty.

The main activities are based in Jericho; in addition to Jericho, there are artistic craft centers in Bethlehem and Nisf Jubeil/Sebastia. The goal is to build sustainable tourism through the collaboration of local communities, actively involving local people in the preservation and promotion of mosaic and ceramic art. Visitors are also invited to participate in workshops where they can practice what they have learned about this ancient tradition.

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic in 2020, the project has never stopped, and the support and active presence of the local communities have never waned.

In addition to practical training, Pro Terra Sancta has initiated Italian and English language courses in Jericho aimed at enhancing and preserving cultural heritage. This ensures that the city, beyond being a center of artistic production, can develop as a hub of communication and interaction.

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