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Why to support and aid the Holy Land: your messages

11 June 2011
Pro Terra Sancta
Why to support and aid the Holy Land: your messages
Why to support and aid the Holy Land: your messages
Each day ATS pro Terra Sancta and the Custody of the Holy Land receive numerous messages of support and love for the Holy Land. We present several of these below. *** Dear Sir or Madam, I wish to thank you for the information that you sent which allowed me to feel a bit closer to the dear Franciscans of the Holy Land. I will remember you in my prayers and I ask that you do the same. Peace and goodwill  – M.M., Italy


Dear Father Armando, We are a group of families in San Donato Milanese. Some of us have had the opportunity to hear the Magnificat choir when it performed in the San Marco Church in Milan, and we were struck both by its beauty and by the amazing initiative that had brought together people from different cultures and traditions. For this reason, on the occasion of the confirmation of our seven children, the candidates for confirmation specifically requested that they not receive gifts but that instead a collection be made for donation to your wonderful initiative. With gratitude and affection, M.S., Milan.


Dear Friends, Thank you! The Holy Land and all of you are in my prayers…I know the serious problems of the Holy Land…I also live and work among very poor people, in a mission in India…we are all one in the eyes of the Lord., Brother J.V., India.


Hello, I am M. from Turin, a thank you from my heart for what you are doing in the Holy Land…at the Christian Information Center in Jerusalem I acquired magnets, the book on the Holy Sepulchre, and a print of the Holy Sepulchre. I am on your mailing list to receive news from our beloved Holy Land. In 2011 I am going to make a donation to you of 33 euros, and if there is anything else I can do, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Again, thanks for what you are doing and for all your efforts, Hope to see you soon, Massimo, Turin.


Thanks for all that you are doing in the Holy Land. I am an Anglican priest, several years ago I visited the Holy Land on a pilgrimage. I became your “friend” by making a donation. Please know that you are always in my thoughts and daily prayers. We always pray for the Holy Land in our services and I personally celebrate a monthly mass for all those who work and live in the Holy Land. In Christ, Michael +, USA.


…I would like to inform you that I have donated to ATS pro Terra Sancta 5% of my taxable earnings. I also want to thank you for the newsletter that you send me which is very, very interesting. Daniela, Italy *** Dear Brother Pierbattista Pizzaballa, ofm I am responding to your splendid and truthful letter that I received describing the real situation that I for my part encountered last September when I came to the Holy Land, where I hope to return as soon as possible and perhaps meet you as I have met other brothers. I will continue to send my small contributions and I also send to you and your collaborators all the best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and may peace and love soon live in those marvelous places for the benefit of all. Antonio, Ancona.


…on the occasion of the priestly ordination of E.M. we decided to participate in the Christmas fund-raising campaign in support of the Christian community of Bethlehem…it is a contribution that, while limited in its amount, is meant to emphasize the extraordinary event that the consecration of a new Franciscan priest represents! After 800 years, the charisma of the youth of Assisi is still alive and present, for us in Italy as well as – thanks to your daily works – in Palestine. Peace and goodwill! Mauro and Rita, Italy
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