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The Holy Sepulchre discussed on the Radio

17 April 2012
Pro Terra Sancta
The Holy Sepulchre discussed on the Radio
The Holy Sepulchre discussed on the Radio

"Saint-Sépulcre : la magie du tombeau de Jésus" (The magic of the tomb of Christ) says the headline of the France Info webpage, one of the main French public broadcasters. During a broadcast on Easter Monday, the passionate voice of Marie-Armelle Beaulieu talks to the microphone of France Info about the magic and depth of the Holy Sepulchre. The editor of the magazine Terre Sainte says that she "fell literally in love with this place", and transmits to the listeners her passion for the place known as the "Centre of the World".

In order to help the pilgrims and visitors who come to this holy place to better understand the mystery of what happened here, ATS Pro Terra Sancta makes available to all its friends and supporters some useful tools:

The VIDEO "Holy Sepulchre, a 3D-journey back in time".

The VIRTUAL VISIT to the Basilica.

Also, ATS Pro Terra Sancta invites you to visit the new website of the Custody of the Holy Land dedicated to the Holy Sepulchre, with news, insights, photos and the possibility to take a Virtual Tour of the "Center of the World".

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