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Sabastiya: the new guest house at the top of the listings of TripAdvisor

23 February 2012
Pro Terra Sancta
Sabastiya: the new guest house at the top of the listings of TripAdvisor
Sabastiya: the new guest house at the top of the listings of TripAdvisor
Every day more and more tourists and visitors are staying at the picturesque Sabastiya guest house. And many of them, impressed by their welcome and by the riches of the historical-archaeological site, wish to recommend a visit to this interesting and splendid village to those who are planning a trip to the region. As a result, on TripAdvisor – the largest website dedicated to do-it-yourself tourism – the Sabastiya guest house is listed among the top places in the classification for West Bank bed and breakfasts, thanks to the positive reviews of those who have stayed there. One reviewer was struck by the simple and welcoming style, another describes the abundant meals made from typical Palestinian products, still another was entranced by the splendid panorama to be enjoyed from the terraces and the rooms of the guest house... The more discerning reviewers also make reference to the project being carried out by ATS pro Terra Sancta for the preservation of the historical center and the construction of this very guest house.
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